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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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As one can see PS2 shipment has been on decline since 4th quarter 2011, the reason is because of PS3 price cut people in devoloping country would rather buy PS3 or 360 then PS2. So in 4th quarter PS2 shipped 900k which is usally the biggest, lower then 3rd quarter 2011. And in 1st quarter of 2012 it just shipped 600k. Can anybody explain how PS2 has shipped 1 million in each quarter since then when rest of the consoles are on decline YOY? In the same period 360 shipped 2.8m, thats will be just 800k more then PS2 and it doesnt make sense.

PS3 usually ship more then 3m in 3rd quarter, last year they shipped 3.7m. So this time around they shipped 3m. So the difference between 360 and PS3 shipments is between 700k-1m. That doesnt mean PS3 is undertracked.



PlayStation®2 Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales (Unit: million)













































( * Fiscal Year ended March 31)


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the end is nigh ... I wonder what this means for sony and its ps4... surely its going to be 10x more powerful than the wiiU right?.. right?..


lol @ combining PS2/PS3 and Vita/PSP.

Maybe for Q3 we'll just see a combined PS1/PS2/PS3/Vita/PSP number.

Vita's scenario is even worse because from the initial combined number the proportion/ratio between PSP and Vita will not be maintained, even with the cuts.

Out of the 16 million, they expected 10 million Vitas and 6 million PSP. Way more Vitas than PSPs. Now PSP is selling more. So, not only the forecast has been cut, it's been cut (a lot?) more on the Vita slice of the cake. this good? Bad? In-between? Obviously it's bad for Vita, but as a whole how are things?

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RolStoppable said:
VicViper said:

Vita's scenario is even worse because from the initial combined number the proportion/ratio between PSP and Vita will not be maintained, even with the cuts.

Out of the 16 million, they expected 10 million Vitas and 6 million PSP. Way more Vitas than PSPs. Now PSP is selling more. So, not only the forecast has been cut, it's been cut (a lot?) more on the Vita slice of the cake.

I guess the breakdown for this quarter is 0.5m PSVs and 1.1m PSPs which brings the PSV LTD shipments to 2.7m.

I think VGC has it pinned at 5.5 million. July through September correct?

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

pezus said:

PSP won't see a big boost this holiday though, but Vita hopefully will (relatively big). They won't reach that target though...maybe 8m for Vita and 6m for PSP.

8m vita and 6m psp wouldnt that make 14m units sold ?

why did sony lowered their expectations to 10m now if that was true ?



I hope they will get those numbers, but it would be maybe more realistic to say maybe 6.5-7m vita and 3.5-4m psp maybe

pezus said:
J_Allard said:
lol @ combining PS2/PS3 and Vita/PSP.

Maybe for Q3 we'll just see a combined PS1/PS2/PS3/Vita/PSP number.

What's so lol about combining PS2/PS3? Even the 360+Wii can't match that number, which is impressive. A third place console + a 12 year old console beating this generation's leader+second place console.

Totally dude I am sure Sony did it just to troll MS/Nintendo.

And Sony shipped their new super slim in September. I would hope that outshipped the competition when you're rolling out a revision.

good thread etho

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spurgeonryan said:

Sony slashes PS Vita forecast, sales of PS3 fall


Sony has once again slashed their outlook for the PlayStation Vita and other handhelds in their PlayStation Portable lineup. Announced in the quarterly report, Sony cuts the projected sales total from 12 million in fiscal year 12, to 10 million sold by the year’s close (March 31, 2013).

Alongside the slashed outlook for the new handheld, Sony also saw declining numbers in sales for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2 hardware. The division within the company saw a year over year decline in revenues of nearly 15%. In the most recent quarter, Sony saw a year over year decline in the number of consoles in the PlayStation family of nearly 1.5 million.

One bright spot in the recent financial report from Sony, software sales have picked up year on year, if ever so slightly. The company managed to sell 41.4 million games in the most recent quarter, compared to 40.2 million last year.

The holiday season was billed to be an all-important sales window for the PlayStation Vita, being the first North American season that the handheld would be available. Sony has stacked their software lineup with big releases like Assassin’s Creed III, Black Ops, and Need For Speed in hopes of enticing gamers to get on board with the PS Vita.

Currently, critics haven’t been as kind to the handheld versions of these console releases. Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation, which launched earlier this week, currently resides on metacritic with an average of 72. This is down considerably from other versions where the scores are considerably higher.

Misinformed. AC 3 Liberation is its own game.......