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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony's Q2 FY2012 Earnings Announcement * $198m loss, 3.5m PS3 + PS2, 1.6m PSV + PSP *

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three months ending sept 30, 1.8m ps3s sold according to vgchartz.
Sony has ps3 and ps2 at 3.5m.

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It was expected that Vita forecasts would be lowered. Still too high most likely...

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Troll_Whisperer said:
So, I know it's impossible to know exactly, but what would the gap between X360 and PS3 be at the moment, more or less?

according to neogaf there is a difference of 4.6M (PS3+PS2).  I think that at most 1M would be PS2; so if the PS3 this year so far has surpassed the 360 by 3M, I would say that they are officially second in the console war.

That's just operating profit, sony took a net loss of 200mil

Yup. Excluding the gain from its chemical sale, sony's net lost is 200m.

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Heavenly_King said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
So, I know it's impossible to know exactly, but what would the gap between X360 and PS3 be at the moment, more or less?

according to neogaf there is a difference of 4.6M (PS3+PS2).  I think that at most 1M would be PS2; so if the PS3 this year so far has surpassed the 360 by 3M, I would say that they are officially second in the console war.

PS2 did over 1m last quarter alone, it's selling better than you may think.

We know this because Sony said last quarter that PS3 was down YoY. PS3 did 1.8 last year's Q1, so if we substract a max 1.79m from the 2.8m PS2+PS3 did last quarter, the result is at least 1.01m PS2s sold.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

BTW, I think Ethomaz switched the alarm off and couldn't wake up, lol.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

to fill in the blanks, shipped is between 68.1m-68.5 (2.5-2.9m out of 3.5 total ps3/2)

Minus sales of 66.77, we get 1.3m or so in supply (figuring 2.5m shipped) which is pretty much exactly what it was this time last year, giving us 42 days of supply roughly.

So, I think it's safe to say ~2.5m ps3's shipped, 1.3m in supply over the next 42 days.

Troll_Whisperer said:
Heavenly_King said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
So, I know it's impossible to know exactly, but what would the gap between X360 and PS3 be at the moment, more or less?

according to neogaf there is a difference of 4.6M (PS3+PS2).  I think that at most 1M would be PS2; so if the PS3 this year so far has surpassed the 360 by 3.6M, I would say that they are officially second in the console war.

PS2 did over 1m last quarter alone, it's selling better than you may think.

We know this because Sony said last quarter that PS3 was down YoY. PS3 did 1.8 last year's Q1, so if we substract a max 1.79m from the 2.8m PS2+PS3 did last quarter, the result is at least 1.01m PS2s sold.

interesting.  Maybe instead of 1M it is 1.6M? lol;  the remaining units would still take the PS3 ahead I think.   Is there a way to see the cumulative shipments of the PS3 and 360 since launch? I am wondering how many units they have shipped.     Based on that I think we would have a better idea of which is second.   I know that what matters are units sold to customers; but I dont think stores would buy more consoles if they dont sell them.

Dammit, they put them together, again. Sony I know you want to save face because the Vita sales are lacking at this time, but come on. This really hurts getting an accurate picture of the PS3s sales numbers.

Anyway, I'm guessing the PS3 shipped ~2.8M. Can't see the PS2 having yet another "large" shipment last quarter, especially since some were speculating the PS2 had its large shipment the previous quarter (in the past couple of years, the PS2 usually only does a few 100K each quarter, except one where it does over 1M.)