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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

tabaha said:
pezus said:
tabaha said:

after reading a bit more my reaction was literally this:

>inb4 nen, spruge and pezus are scum

>inb4 DT is also scum and all this is just mafia's plans (this one is even more paranoid mode)

where does stefl fit in with all this?

Why would stefl have to fit on that? Does he have because i voted him in the first day? What if i wasn't being really serious? I'm pretty sure some people weren't serious on first day voting, most serious ones would  probably be mafia. What if i changed my mind? Lots of people change their mind. And I was not saying I did forget about stefl. I just said what my reaction was. 


Woah, why so touchy and defensive? It was a serious question of your opinion. What do you have to hide to have such a reaction on something that wasn't  even a suspicion?

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supermario128 said:
Vote: DarkThanatos

I don't even care if he is mafia at this point, but I really think he is. If not, we need to lynch him as an example of what you are not supposed to do. I wanted a no lynch and he ruined that. Now our watcher is dead and he doesn't seem to care. His reason for voting him was terrible: "I don't want a no lynch and mbp was scummier". Honestly, if you aren't sure about something then let a no lynch happen; it is better than losing a town role, and a strong town role at that. Also, the way he waited until right before the deadline to show up was scummy as well. It barely gave people time to react.

"I wanted a no lynch and he ruined it" so "we need to lynch him as an example of what you are not supposed to do"? 

So we should lynch me, because i didn't agree with your opinion on a no-lynch?!? If i wasn't on L-2 right now- I'd have thought you were still in the joke vote stage. 

I've explained the rest of your post already. Think of my vote what you will, but I will not apologise or even feel bad about my timing. I have a life outside Mafia, and that real life socialising takes priority for me. 

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tabaha said:

Spurge are you kidding me? basic comprehension skills? hell if i know who "some people" is. if i knew i would say the names instead of saying "some people". Or do you mean the quotes in the string "some people"? It's just quotations mark

Sincerely, the more i play with you, the less i want to play with you

This has got to be the most hilarious post I have ever seen on any forum. 

A non-English first language person insulting Spurge's comprehension skills! XD Brilliant. 

And then to follow it up with "Sincerely, the more I play with you, the less I want to" ?! I think I just died XD

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spurgeonryan said:
pezus said:

Easy there, tiger lol. I was just asking if you still thought stefl looked scummy.

I think Stefl looked scummy.

Can you explain your scumspicion of Stefl? 

A serious answer if you can manage plox :P 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

tabaha said:
Vote DarkThanatos

I'm going to be blamed for following the bandwagon. And if I don't vote him I'll be blamed for not voting him. I swear I'll never understand some of the logic people here have

Now your going to be blamed for voting to avoid your own suspicion. 

Vote for someone you feel you can justify your vote for in terms of their scumminess. Not to save yourself when you have little/no suspicion on you. 

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DT I know you don't mean it really but if you keep insulting Spurge then I will have to modkill you. There is a difference between occasionally poking fun at people and constantly doing it and then making a post that basically tells someone else "Well done for being mean to someone". You're lucky Spurge is kind because some people would have reported this by now.

Haha Yoshiya- I wasn't insulting Spurge. I was laughing at Tabaha because he gets stuff wrong all the time, and then tried to pick Spurge up on it :P

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

That's not how the post read and either way, it's not the first time you have said something bad about Spurge this thread. I can find examples if you are going to keep arguing this with me.

I won't do it again if thats what you are trying to get at :P
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RolStoppable said:
Yoshiya said:
That's not how the post read and either way, it's not the first time you have said something bad about Spurge this thread. I can find examples if you are going to keep arguing this with me.

All this power is getting to your head. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

I just don't feel people should be allowed to be mean to other players in the game. I noticed it last game as well but didn't bring it up because I was hoping it was just going to be that game. I don't want to modkill anyone I just want to try and stop DT from doing it anymore.