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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

spurgeonryan said:
What do you mean?

By the way we hate your indecisiveness and your propensity to lurk quite a bit. Did you make any decisions last game? High and Mighty makes me laugh! The reasons Morenoingrato sits in the back and watches mafia instead of playing it anymore. Lol!

Your loss that you cannot handle your buttons being pushed. I hope that you at least have a role this game so that you can be useful this time.

There. Is that what you wanted? Some attention from papa spurge?

Is it bad to be indecisive when 90% of what i read here is just crap talk until I get some relevant knowledge? Truth be told my brain filters most of the posts as non-relevant.

And I was literally thrown crap at my face with what you asked. I don't tend to react well when people ask me stuff that it's stupid in my opinion. Sorry


Around the Network

Vote DarkThanatos

I'm going to be blamed for following the bandwagon. And if I don't vote him I'll be blamed for not voting him. I swear I'll never understand some of the logic people here have


Proper votals will come as soon as I finish this game of LoL but for now;

DT is on L-2 (Nen, FF, Spurge, Mario, Tabaha)
Rol is L-6 (DT)

DarkThanatos said:
Something to consider.

Neither Hat, Rol, Linkz or Prof were nighkilled. I was expecting one of them to go, as as i'm led to believe - they are usually Night 1 targets.

Trucks was killed instead, this could be because he suspected me, and mafia want another reason for town to suspect me.
Maybe several of them are scum as well.

typical misleading. You're suspicion of these players is spurge-worthy.

RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:
I dont like no lunches. And I'd rather lynch MBP then Stefl. Soo

vote MBP

What a scummy move to show up five minutes before the deadline.

rol why didn't you vote no lynch at this point, if this vote was so scummy?

Around the Network
Name L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch!
DarkThanatos Nen F-F Spurge Mario Tabaha    
Rol DT            

Nen - DT

F-F - DT

Spurge - DT

Mario - DT

Tabaha -DT

DT - Zero, Rol

As always, correct me if I am wrong.

tabaha said:

Regarding Zero, I don't really think he's mafia, or if he is, he didn't make those posts on purpose. No sane scum player would do that kind of thing on purpose. It could work, but if I was the mod, I would insta modkill him

People weren't saying he was scum because of it. I was saying he should've been killed for breaking the rules with a huge amount of proper play posts after being warned last game and then feigning ignorance.  

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

theprof00 said:
DarkThanatos said:
Something to consider.

Neither Hat, Rol, Linkz or Prof were nighkilled. I was expecting one of them to go, as as i'm led to believe - they are usually Night 1 targets.

Trucks was killed instead, this could be because he suspected me, and mafia want another reason for town to suspect me.
Maybe several of them are scum as well.

typical misleading. You're suspicion of these players is spurge-worthy.

It's an observation. I didn't raise suspicion on anyone in particular. Spurge-worthy is a strong words :( 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

tabaha said:
pezus said:
tabaha said:

after reading a bit more my reaction was literally this:

>inb4 nen, spruge and pezus are scum

>inb4 DT is also scum and all this is just mafia's plans (this one is even more paranoid mode)

where does stefl fit in with all this?

Why would stefl have to fit on that? Does he have because i voted him in the first day? What if i wasn't being really serious? I'm pretty sure some people weren't serious on first day voting, most serious ones would  probably be mafia. What if i changed my mind? Lots of people change their mind. And I was not saying I did forget about stefl. I just said what my reaction was. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Sorry^ post failed o.o

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War