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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

ok, I'm back faster than expected. I'll post my thoughts in a while


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@Linkz Ok, from now on Timelimits will be 24 hours or greater. I just didn't know what time I was going to be getting back on the Sunday evening since the idea of a timelimit was to make the day shorter I decided to go for a shorter timelimit.

first thought, without finishing reading it all

Even though what DT did was scummy as hell, he can pretty well not be scum. And with it scum would try to force the impression that he is and cause a mislynch. Note that I'm not defending him, just pointing something


Regarding Zero, I don't really think he's mafia, or if he is, he didn't make those posts on purpose. No sane scum player would do that kind of thing on purpose. It could work, but if I was the mod, I would insta modkill him


after reading a bit more my reaction was literally this:

>inb4 nen, spruge and pezus are scum

>inb4 DT is also scum and all this is just mafia's plans (this one is even more paranoid mode)


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DarkThanatos said:
nen-suer said:
DarkThanatos said:
And with FF he brok the rules, but a single post of "The Fuck" which could refer to anything, no analysis, no specifics or direction. And one post. Is not the same thing as 5 or 6 on depth analysis and questioning, and responding to questions. Especially after zero was warnd last game. 


Breaking the rules is breaking the rules; posting once is the same as posting 10 times.

FF played more mafia games that anyone else here and he knows the rules better than anyone else.

You say it doesnt mean anything, i say its a lame attempt to look like a townie who is shocked by the outcome

You singling Zero out is just you choosing the "easy target" here.

You play well, but i noticed you are easy to get "thrown off your game" once pressured and try to discredit or attack your accusers

you also tend to take longer time to respond than normal and ignore things you can't respond too and look for things you can fight back with.

DarkT you are a mafia member.


In law, a serial offender is punished more then a one-off. It's still breaking the rules yes. But not on the same level. 

I said he should be modkilled primarily, and then i said in case he isn't im voting for him. If he is modkilled it wont effect who we lynch today. 

Thanks for the "play well" complement, but I'm only discrediting your attack on my Zero objections. In regard to your other accusation -->

spurgeonryan said:

Like I said it does not look good for you.
tabaha said:
This was a bad hit. Not having watcher is bad.
DT you rwally put yourself in a hard position

As put by both Spurge and Tabaha as well as yourself, my close to deadline vote on MBP blew up in my face when he came out as town watcher. If he had been Mafia, then we wouldn't be having this conversation. It's one of those things i guess. If it was the other foot, I would be considering voting for me as well. 

All I can say is that I'm not a mafia member, I'm vanilla town. I haven't lied about my role with all my previous claims and I'm not now. My reasons for voting MBP were that he was playing badly - as shown by him not even understanding what watcher was. I'm not solely to blame for him being lynched, there were 3 other people voting him as well, but people always look for someone to blame, and I stand out as the one to take the hit. I can't help that now. 

Someone could easily have come in and voted Stefl to lynch, like I did MBP, and I didn't want him lynched as i said with my "I'd rather keep Stefl then MBP" before my vote. So there was that as well.

I turned up soon before the timelimit because I was at a party and I didn't want to miss the socialising by being on the thread, but I still wanted to be part of the thread as I'd been working that day. 

Finally, every game I've said I don't like no-lynches and haven't seen the point in them. 

There isn't really anything else I can say in my defense that I can think of now. If people decide to lynch me, then I'll flip vanilla town and town will have lost 4 players in a row. 

Going to talk a bit about the bolded part. When I see someone saying/writing "All I can say" I think they will only be able to say part of the thing, but looks like you did it all by saying alignment and role. Maybe I'm wrong here because english isn't my native language. Someone with better knowledge help me here please.


pezus said:
tabaha said:

after reading a bit more my reaction was literally this:

>inb4 nen, spruge and pezus are scum

>inb4 DT is also scum and all this is just mafia's plans (this one is even more paranoid mode)

where does stefl fit in with all this?

Why would stefl have to fit on that? Does he have because i voted him in the first day? What if i wasn't being really serious? I'm pretty sure some people weren't serious on first day voting, most serious ones would  probably be mafia. What if i changed my mind? Lots of people change their mind. And I was not saying I did forget about stefl. I just said what my reaction was. 


spurgeonryan said:
No, I was actually serious about Stefl.

i said "some people"


Vote: DarkThanatos

I don't even care if he is mafia at this point, but I really think he is. If not, we need to lynch him as an example of what you are not supposed to do. I wanted a no lynch and he ruined that. Now our watcher is dead and he doesn't seem to care. His reason for voting him was terrible: "I don't want a no lynch and mbp was scummier". Honestly, if you aren't sure about something then let a no lynch happen; it is better than losing a town role, and a strong town role at that. Also, the way he waited until right before the deadline to show up was scummy as well. It barely gave people time to react.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Spurge are you kidding me? basic comprehension skills? hell if i know who "some people" is. if i knew i would say the names instead of saying "some people". Or do you mean the quotes in the string "some people"? It's just quotations mark

Sincerely, the more i play with you, the less i want to play with you