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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 48 - League of Legends

RolStoppable said:
tabaha said:
Is there a better option? And he fits in my (weak and bad) suspicion

And this suspicion is enough to lynch him toDay?

Tell me why you suspect him.

That question coming from the same person that lynched pezus last game in the first day. I'm not taking you seriously and I'll ignore it


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spurgeonryan said:
You should not just ignore Rol. Just because he can push your buttons does not mean he is not right.

Why deflect the question?

Deflect it? No. I interpreted that question as something that can't be taken seriously from him.

But as I seem that people are trying to make me rage, i'll answer his question

(i'll quote the question by writting them in bold because i don't really know how to do it properly)

And this suspicion is enough to lynch him toDay?

Tell me why you suspect him.

what i said previously (that name thing) plus some parts that spurge said about stefl here.

Is it enough? Can't really tell. Do I have other suspects with stronger scum feelings? No


Not really much to say rol.
Linkz seems decidedly town and everyone is still joking around.

spurgeonryan said:
Who is trying to make you rage? Just trying to get to the bottom of it.

Rol, by asking stuff that i would never think about asking in the first day. And him asking it with what he did in the last game...

And I'm not particulary happy today ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌


Name L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch!
Spurge Nen              
Pezus Zero              
Prof Rol              
Stefl MBP Tabaha Spurge          
MBP FF Pezus            
Zero DT Hat            
No Lynch Mario Stefl            

DT - Spurge, Zero

Nen - Spurge

Trucks - Nen, DT

Spurge - Pezus, Stefl

Zero - Pezus

Stelf - Tabaha, No Lynch

Rol - Prof, Stefl, MBP, Hat, Zero, Prof

MBP - Stelf

Tabaha - Stefl


Pezus - MBP

Hat - Zero

Mario - No lynch

1 hour 20 minutes left. As it stands, Stefl will be lynched upon Day end.

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vote: mbp
id rather him than stefl

Just to clarify, there will be no joint lynches so after prof's vote, no one will be lynched toDay.

yeah we don't have to, but I don't see why not either.

just fyi, I woke up yesterday at 2pm, went to work at 5:30, didn't get out til' 3:30 am, and woke up at 2 again. and I have work again in half an hour.

Yesterday, when I was posting on my phone from the bus about zero, addressing the people who accused him of drawing suspicion to null tells, saying that they were just as much guilty of using null-tells....nobody listened to me or responded. Why should I talk more when half the posts I saw were all jokes or off-topic, and nobody is listening to a word I say?

I dont really see anything that suspicious from him.
Though he does seem to be a bit wishy washy, i cant fault him or id be a hypocrite.
I would say also that his activity pattern is in line with typical avoiding of activity that mafia usually displays on day 1.

I guess i could give my town reads out also:
Ff seems relieved to not be scum.
Linkz doesnt appear slimy as he usually does as scum.
You (master rol) seem to be doing your typical town play.
Zero appears to be actively participating and i dont like the suspicions against him.