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Forums - Politics Discussion - Name just one thing that America and the E.U could cut to start getting back on track financially

Kasz216 said:
Moonhero said:
HappySqurriel said:
Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

That's a very liberal definition of the word subsidy they have going there.

Practically nothing listed actually is a subsidy... and of the few that are... they seem to be ones not targeted directly at the oil industry... but that people want to take away ONLY from the oil industry because....

I have no clue...

If you want to eliminate that stuff for EVERYBODY sure.

Just picking on the oil industry though... doesn't really make sense.

Because they're a high-profit, well-established industry that doesn't need a leg up?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Mr Khan said:

Because they're a high-profit, well-established industry that doesn't need a leg up?

The same could be said about many companies and industries ...

After all, why should Apple and Microsoft have access to these subsidies and not oil companies?

the2real4mafol said:
sales2099 said:
1 child per family. in a few generations youll have far less people to manage.

Thats not a very good idea for countries that already have aging populations, as it will achieve nothing. Also, it did little good for china, as they will soon have an aging population too! An aging population is potentially very bad for a economy

Its actually doing very good for China.

When that aging population dies, your just left with the 1 child families. Seniors tend to die, so any problems you posed are temporary. So again in 3-4 generations, when a plan like this has reached full circle and the people born before this plan was put into motion have passed, you have a country with far less people to manage and is therefore easier.

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Their wrists

Politicians' throats.

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HappySqurriel said:
Mr Khan said:

Because they're a high-profit, well-established industry that doesn't need a leg up?

The same could be said about many companies and industries ...

After all, why should Apple and Microsoft have access to these subsidies and not oil companies?

They shouldn't.

Subsidies need to help out the kind of companies that could be self-sufficiently viable in the future, but aren't now, due to the inherent adversities in being an emerging industry, or in the face of some temporary shock. They shouldn't be effectively permanent (like the corn and oil subsidies), and shouldn't go to groups that can already stand on their own two feet, nor should they go to companies that really don't have a future (so, unlike what you said before, green energy is a viable target, they just need to be choosier about it)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Moonhero said:
HappySqurriel said:
Moonhero said:
Oil Subsides! Screw Oil companies.

Two questions:

What oil subsidies?

Do you have a problem with paying reasonable prices for food, transportation, and energy/heating costs for your house?


The oil companies pay royalties on the oil they produce and then pay taxes under the same rules as every other corporation in the country; and as a result they pay higher over all taxes but are entitled to the same deductions as everyone else. There only "crime" is they produce a product that everyone wants that is sold in a free market where the price is set by supply and demand; and a combination of governments preventing increased supply and economic growth in the third world increasing demand have resulted in increasing oil prices.

That's a very liberal definition of the word subsidy they have going there.

Practically nothing listed actually is a subsidy... and of the few that are... they seem to be ones not targeted directly at the oil industry... but that people want to take away ONLY from the oil industry because....

I have no clue...

If you want to eliminate that stuff for EVERYBODY sure.

Just picking on the oil industry though... doesn't really make sense.

Because they're a high-profit, well-established industry that doesn't need a leg up?

That's the point though... they don't have  a leg up.  The things they're referring to as subsidies are things that apply to everybody, and they don't want to get rid of them because oil industries are doing well, they want to because they're oil industries.

In otherwords, they want to penalize companies based on their buisness.  Not remove advatnages.

Oil subsidies more or less don't exist.


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Entitlements :)

But seriously I'd work on getting the country off of social security. Honour the current pension plans of current retirees and workers, but stop it so new people entering the workforce aren't bought into this ponzi scheme. Yeah it will make things worse in the short run...but maybe if we had a government capable of looking more than 4 years (the length of his term) into the future there could be actual long-run change for the better.

Also cut Medicaid/Medicare and military spending. 

Bring the troops home from this illegal war. 

sales2099 said:
the2real4mafol said:
sales2099 said:
1 child per family. in a few generations youll have far less people to manage.

Thats not a very good idea for countries that already have aging populations, as it will achieve nothing. Also, it did little good for china, as they will soon have an aging population too! An aging population is potentially very bad for a economy

Its actually doing very good for China.

When that aging population dies, your just left with the 1 child families. Seniors tend to die, so any problems you posed are temporary. So again in 3-4 generations, when a plan like this has reached full circle and the people born before this plan was put into motion have passed, you have a country with far less people to manage and is therefore easier.

But because of china's traditions they have too many boys in some areas as they perfer sons. But i suppose your right, as we haven't seen what happens after a aging population yet. But, I think people fear that economic decline is linked to population decline, which we don't really know. 

All i know, is many countries are already in this phase, as population in countries like Japan, Russia and Germany are already starting to fall, although very slowly. Unfortunately this will do little to stop future population increases, which will be mostly in africa

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