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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge for Wii U just keeps getting better - Also list of changes!

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dahuman said:
It's strange though, I thought people's main complaint about the game was the game play, they have literally revamped those mechanics and made them much closer to what people envisioned a NG game to be, yet I've read at different places bitching about bad story which is a norm in all Ninja Gaiden games and some other map layout bullshit that just don't matter. It's almost like a lot of people are bitter about NG3 on Wii U would be better or something.

"It's almost like a lot of people are bitter about NG3 on Wii U would be better or something." .. yeh almost! ..

its on the wiiU of course its already bad! who is this guy?!... 


When this game first came out on the ps360.. i totally ignored it.. but news about this makes me want to pick it up its a polished "turd" .

@homer .. "people actually are considering picking up this turd" .. so yes along with other games!.. its probably ayane that got me interested!


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lilbroex said:

-there was less slowdown in the most current demo build when compared to the 360/PS3 release


dont smile at that sentence .. it might anger some people.. lol


It seems to be a launch game so hopefully we'll get reviews/impressions soon.

I seriously doubt the improvements are going to make this a quality title. Fact is, Ninja Gaiden 3 got away from what made the series great, and it would take a ground-up rebuilding (essentially a new game) to make this title acceptable.

I mean, did anybody watch videos of the T-Rex fight? That's the point I decided the game wasn't worth playing.