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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Predictions: Halo 4 will be GOTY... Metacritic between 94-97

M.U.G.E.N said:
Aldro said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Aldro said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
well damn

dont pour salt into the wound, its too fresh :(

meh I fault the reviewers in this case..not the game. I'm sure the game is good. metacritic is so broken. 

What about Heavy Rain? That got 87 too.

Drakes Fortune 88.


Is that spot on according to you? I think I'd personally give HR a 8.5-9 and DF .. well now its a bit outdated compared to UC2 and UC3 XD.. Like 8 at best.

actually yeah..I put both those games in that range of score

So maybe this.. too.. NVM, time will tell :-p

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I was wrong about the review score (I only expected TheSixthAxis and possibly one or two other sites to give it low scores) and was surprised to see EGMs score for example since I once held it in such high regards when it was a print magazine. Now I personally find it a joke and wish they wouldn't have bothered bringing it back if they couldn't get the same reviewers they had before.

As for Game of the Year I still think it has an extremely good chance considering it'll have some of the added content afterwards and the quality will speak for itself. It's too bad that the more high profile a Xbox 360 exclusive is the more likely it is to attract trolls.