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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

Linkz is definately not town investigative- as the Mario lunch proves his claim is true. So unless spurge Is lying and Linkz is doc (I highly doubt) Linkz is either a bus driver (or similar style role) or scum.
Combined with his Pezus vote and late Mario vote. Followed by his late FF vote. It's probably scum.
Any other points people want to put out or refute?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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zero129 said:

It makes perfect sense to me.

I was asked what was MPB's night actions and i replyed with "I dont know what his night actions where, as far as i know he had none!".

not really hard to understand imo unless you just dont want to understand it and are just looking to try make something out of nothing.

I don't think we're understanding each other... but yes, let bygones be bygones.

Not a fan of semantics anyways.

*finishes cleaning up Final-Fan's mess*

Never was a fan of Gargoyles...

spurgeonryan said:

So Smeags...boobie, you have been working on that thread this whole game and that is why you have been lurking?

That, adding games in GameWise, and making banners (My nickname over there is Ol' Banner Bones!).

So yes, the Wii U Launch Guide has been my project today. I do enjoy tinkering around... *toothy grin*

But yes, still waiting for Linkz to drop by. I'm so curious on what he might say...

What time does Linkz usually come online? If we have to wait another 12 hours I'm just going to vote him. He will be deliberately ignoring the thread.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:
Linkz is either a bus driver (or similar style role) or scum.

Why bus driver? As far as I am aware, we have had no evidence of one of them yet.

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Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
Linkz is either a bus driver (or similar style role) or scum.

Why bus driver? As far as I am aware, we have had no evidence of one of them yet.

Well, normally peolle never should do something like dt didthere...

But yes, the only possible reason for linkz to target me if he is not scum and not doc is a bus driver, but Idon't believe he is a bus driver

Fnuh... Fail post above... There should be much less nots...

No point waiting anymore. Linkz doesn't lurk, so he must be avoiding the thread.

Vote Linkz

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Vampire was feeling depressed, he had lost both his accomplices during the last two days and he felt like his dream of seeing the Don’t Fuck With Humans Act repealed was fading further and further away.

Outside, he heard the shouts of the angry mob storming every house in the neighborhood in search for him. It was only a matter of time until they reached his hiding place and to make matters worse, he couldn’t even run away since the sun was intent on shining its deadly rays on the town.

Vampire wished he could feast on one last tasty human before his demise. Oh how good were those days when he terrorized entire cities, when humans trembled as the sun set fearing they wouldn't make it through the night.

The loud ring of his oven timer pulled Vampire away from his reverie. He walked over, pulled the hot pastry out and sat in his chair by the covered window. The mob was getting closer, he could hear it, they couldn’t be more than two houses away.

Soon enough, it was on his door that they were banging furiously and as he heard the door break open, Vampire took a huge bite of fresh garlic bread he had just pulled out the oven and opened the window.


Signature goes here!


Most Valuable Player: Stefl1504

Being a tracker it’s not enough to pick scum to follow, you have to pick scum who does the killing. You managed to do this twice and you made sure the guys you caught in the act paid for what they did.

When everything goes wrong: The Mafia team

Suspicion was thrown at the whole team on Day One, the first kill was watched and tracked, what looked like a toss-up between two town mislynch suddenly turned into a scum lynch in the last minutes of the day and the last kill attempt not only failed, it was also tracked.

Mad doctor: spurgeonryan

It’s not uncommon to see a doctor act suspicious to avoid attracting the attention of the Mafia but you pushed the concept to the limit. The constant paranoia would be crazy enough for most but not for you! You decided that begging for votes a few hours from a deadline was a good course of action.

Roleplayer: Smeags

You got into character right from the start, some people found it entertaining, some people didn't care for it but nevermind the haters you never broke out of character.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions: TruckOSaurus

You thought you had everything figured out, randomized names, randomized roles, randomized players and then you forgot to do the one thing you promised before you started this game: Give out the Vanilla Townie PM in the OP.

Signature goes here!