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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

And now quiet everyone!

Signature goes here!

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After the successfully disposing of one of the town’s rebels, the citizens of HalloweenVille instantly felt safer. So safe in fact that it got  to the point where they practically forgot the threat was still present. Once they were reminded of that fact, they quickly scrambled to lynch someone. Reaching a decision was not an easy task, everyone had their own theory and all of the accused vehemently denied having anything to do with the rebellion. That’s when the crowd noticed Gargoyle (Final-Fan) resting in stone form on the sidelines.

“Why not him?” someone proposed “We just need to grab a sledgehammer and BAM it’s done! No pesky backtalk, no cry for innocence, he won’t even know what hit him.”

With a shrug the town said “Sure”.

Once Gargoyle’s head was smashed to pieces, the townsfolk went to sleep. It was a peaceful night and on the next morning everyone was kind of shocked to see no one was missing.

- Final-Fan was Gargoyle - Mafia Role Cop

Day Four Begins!

Signature goes here!

Kaloo Kalay!

What a turnaround! Such excitement in this town. *smiles*

I'll get the broom and dust-pan.

Ok, whilst I can't say I would have voted for FF had I been around at the time, good job guys on the sudden reversal of strategy haha.

I assume the lack of night kills means we have a doctor. Also, find anything potentially helpful out last night Stefl?

zero129 said:

If this is what your voting me for its weak.

Also i dont know what MPB's night actions where cos he had none!. he was a vanilla town.

You're still not making any sense.

How could you say you don't know his night actions when the night actions of a vanilla townie is to sit back and do nothing? It's not that difficult my good man...

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spurgeonryan said:
That was close smeagsy and thanatos! You two had me on knife edge at times.

Now let's see if we can make some more good decisions.

Indeed... we were certainly at each others throats! Such drama...

But what a turnaround! I think it's time for a group hug!

*Group hug*


Now that that's out of the way, back to our duties!

Indeed what I found out was so helpfull that I want the doc to claim.

Because I bet all on him protecting me.

Just for clarification, when Stefl asked MBP what night actions he did, did he actually follow him that night because the question heavily implies that he didn't. It's just some people seem to be basing theories on the fact that he did so I wanna know who he actually followed Night 2.

I did track MBP and I already told you rhat what zero said fits with what MBP did night 2. And I tracked someone to me tonight, who I heavily believe is scum. Now I only need a doc to confirm that he also targeted me.