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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

Thank you Mayor Trucks. *tips hat*

Could you by chance send the information straight to this thread instead? I'm quite interested to see the results so far!

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RolStoppable said:

Thanks for clearing that up. This makes smeags my favorite option for a lynch toDay.

Yes yes, you've made that quite clear since you've already voted for me.

Smeags said:
Thank you Mayor Trucks. *tips hat*

Could you by chance send the information straight to this thread instead? I'm quite interested to see the results so far!

If nobody voices any objections, I'll do it when I get back home.

Signature goes here!

*takes knife*

I think I'm going to take a stab at...

Vote: Zero

Man-Bear-Pig's terrible play during day one (which isn't your fault, but c'est la vie...), coupled with my "Scum in the lynch mob" theory (which again, isn't you), and then of course your most recent comment about not knowing MBP's midnight actions when you're apparently a vanilla townie. It's a stab... but an educated stab. *grins*

I would be very interested in seeing those results Truck. Hopefully when people see it, they will realise who the right people to vote for are...

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Smeags RolStoppable
DarkThanatos Stefl1504 Yoshiya  spurgeonryan      
spurgeonryan DarkThanatos          
zero129 Smeags          

Vote history (for player)

Yoshiya: spurgeonryan
Linkzmax: RolStoppable, DarkThanatos
Smeags: spurgeonryan, RolStoppable
DarkThanatos: Stefl1504, Final-Fan, Yoshiya, spurgeonryan
spurgeonryan: DarkThanatos
zero129: Smeags

Vote history (by player)

spurgeonryan: Yoshiya, Smeags, DarkThanatos
RolStoppable: Linkzmax , Smeags
DarkThanatos: Linkzmax, spurgeonryan
Stefl1504: DarkThanatos
Final-Fan: DarkThanatos
Yoshiya: DarkThanatos
Smeags: zero129

Signature goes here!

DarkThanatos said:
I would be very interested in seeing those results Truck. Hopefully when people see it, they will realise who the right people to vote for are...

Are you seriously under the impression I am voting for you because I think you are lurking? If so, please reread the thread and find the post where I actually voted for you.

Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
I would be very interested in seeing those results Truck. Hopefully when people see it, they will realise who the right people to vote for are...

Are you seriously under the impression I am voting for you because I think you are lurking? If so, please reread the thread and find the post where I actually voted for you.

Someone's egos in tact :P 

When people see just how much some people have been lurking, and how I am one of the most regular poster's in this game. It speaks for itself. In a game where there has been very little action, lynching one of the few active town players is a critical error. If I end up being lynched this round, town will probably lose. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DarkThanatos said:

If I end up being lynched this round, town will probably lose. 

Are you implying you have some kind of important role that can find us scum? If so tell us what you know, if not, stop being so arrogant -.-

Look Yoshiya, you think I'm scummy. Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion.
However even you have admitted your case is not very strong, and it's more of a feeling then any actual scum tell. This can be explained by the fact I have had various allegations against me since the end of day 1. I'm not asking you to remove me from your suspicion list completely. What I'm asking you is to consider this.
1) Every accusation I have successfully dismissed and shown where they have overlooked. This was enough for FF to unvote me. It was enough for you to admit that your argument was weak. It has been enough for most everyone.
2) There are not many regular active posters this game. I am one of them. Even if you think I am maybe scummy, I generate discussion and raise suspicion on other people. We as town want to keep those alive to ensure people are picked up on errors they make- Thats why players like Prof are killed early on.
3) There are several stand out lurkers this game. The perfect place for scum to hide. They aren't contributing to the game, and are an easy way to stay alive as scum. Your chances of lynching a scum are higher there, and even if we accidentally lynch a town, as they are inactive its less devastating then lynching an active town player.
4) My gameplay is completely different to my scum play. I could be doing this deliberately, but I'd be taking a big risk considering my play was successful last game. Why would I do that, and when suspicion was raised, instead of slinking into the shadows like I did last time as scum, I came out and addressed them. Why would I do that as scum?

Vote for a lurker this round.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War