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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 47 - HalloweenVille

spurge all that you say is pretty nice and all but I'm not going to change my vote. Better go with my own theories than being accused of following the bandwagon. Had enough of it last round


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pezus said:
theprof00 said:
pezus said:
theprof00 said:
Game started yesterday, and I'm supposedly avoiding the thread.
Yesterday I was at a warhammer tournament from 9am to 9pm with only a few breaks, where I won third place, and can be verified by the scoresheet that comes out on their forum shortly.
Today I have errands to do, like laundry, cleaning my apartment, and painting some models.

To be more direct, why would I come under suspicion for not being heavily active when,
a) last game after I died, nobody listened to me (similar thing happened to mantle)
b) I literally JUST cast suspicion on people voting for a timelimit, saying "day 1 is important for town to get reads on players"

What happened last time you were at some tournament/convention? Yes, it is that easy

Huh? What is what easy?

I don't know, I don't pay attention to what I am during what times. BUT, iirc, I was a third party in game of thrones, and you all forced me to claim because I posted too much, and then mafia killed me with a strongman, and not a single protective role tried to protect me (though it would've failed).

You were a third party scum that needed to die. We forced you to claim because you posted too much?

But last time you didn't post much and were preoccupied with something irl (what was it again?), you were mafia.

Twist what?

The last time he was preoccupied was the website.

You asked why mbp said "profs behavior is suspicious" when i hadnt posted yet.
You turned around and did the same thing he did to you, to him. Except you didnt say i hadnt posted yet,(this is 5 posts in) you said "why did you say this" and repeated it another 2 yimes throughout the day.

Yes, that is troublesome. But so is Nacho's dissappearance when he was your biggest early supporter, and with weak reasoning. But spurge has also slipped away, or is just ignoring me.

I'm scouring this infernal thread as quickly as I can, but at this point I don't have enough information to feel comfortable enough to change the course of today's actions.

I truly am sorry, but I cannot in good faith make a play at this moment, not with my lack of information and time.

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Ninja'd.. well there's not going to be a no lynch.

Vote: pezus

well, qUcyy

I can shove my try to tie up my own arse

Vote no lynch

Timelimit has been reached.

pezus was lynched with 5 votes. (Edit: prof's No Lynch is not counted as it happened after the timelimit, not that it would have changed anything)

You guys are in twilight while I write the flavor.

Signature goes here!