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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

Ouroboros24 said:

Holy crap, really.

Okay, I'll bite.

What time during the pregnancy.  If it's within 2 months, then yes. 

And yes, I'm being completely serious here.  Nothing against gays, simply I want things my way.  Of course I'll ask the mother first. 

What other traits warrants abortion? Height? Blood type? 

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If I knew my child was going to be gay I would weigh it up as an option, yes.


Er, no.

Besides, I don't think there is a Gay "gene", SuperChunk.

It is not ethically correct to conduct such genetical test on a growing embrium...

I don't have anything against gay people, but nothing in favor either. They're just normal random people to me as long as they behave normally.

Yeah I would probably abort the child. The world today is not really a suitable place for homosexuals unfortunately. I wouldn't want my child to struggle throughout life.

I'm personally against homosexuality as well.

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SpartenOmega117 said:
Yeah I would probably abort the child. The world today is not really a suitable place for homosexuals unfortunately. I wouldn't want my child to struggle throughout life.

I'm personally against homosexuality as well.

not sure if serious.  I know alot of gay people and there all alot happier than straight people.


@op its a pretty stupid question. being gay is just being gay why should anyone else have a say except for the person in whether its right or wrong. peoples relationships are there own business and everyone has I right to choose who they want to be with.

I would probably give the kid shit just joking around but If they choose that I would ultimately support them.


A better question would be... if they could alter him genetically so he wouldn't be gay. Would you have that done.

I'd still say no... but you could make a persuasive argument.

Besides which, if I were to believe that homosexuality is a sin. I'd likely also believe abortion is murder.

So uh...

superchunk said:
abhiram_33 said:
nope, y would u even ask such a thing

Because, if homosexuality is a sin and damnable by God, why would you willingly bring a person who will go to hell into this world?

The act is a sin not the desire. A gay celibate would be commiting no sin and not be damned. Christans are suposed to hate the sin and love the sinner.

Metrium said:

Also I don't believe in the gay gene. I don't believe in ppl being born gay, I think that millions of controlable and uncontrolable events during the development of a child is what molds the adult he will become, and that includes his sexual orientation. But that is a other debate :P

And I agree with this.