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Forums - General Discussion - If you knew your unborn child was going to be gay, would you abort him/her?

Nem said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:


The black hole exists for sure. What exists in the vortex we dont know. Me believing its another universe is just a thought born out of logic and watching how water behaves similarly.

I believing it is something that is false until we can verify it.

You believe in something that isn't proven (other universes). You scorn others for believing in something that isn't proven (Gods).

People from the outside looking in can see your double standards fairly easily. My job here is done. 

LOL? Did you read my post? I also believe it is false until proven otherwise. Wich is exactly the same thing that happens in god.

Where exactly are the double standards?

You really like to think theres a cake for you in every corner.

So you believe in something, yet you also believe that same something is false? And your main point in this thread is that people shouldn't believe in something that's false...

LOL, you're destroying your credibility far more effectively than I could have ever hoped to do.

And no, I see no cake.

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Jay520 said:
Nem said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:


The black hole exists for sure. What exists in the vortex we dont know. Me believing its another universe is just a thought born out of logic and watching how water behaves similarly.

I believing it is something that is false until we can verify it.

You believe in something that isn't proven (other universes). You scorn others for believing in something that isn't proven (Gods).

People from the outside looking in can see your double standards fairly easily. My job here is done. 

LOL? Did you read my post? I also believe it is false until proven otherwise. Wich is exactly the same thing that happens in god.

Where exactly are the double standards?

You really like to think theres a cake for you in every corner.

So you believe in something, yet you also believe that same something is false? 

LOL, you're destroying your credibility far more effectively than I could have ever hoped to do.

And no, I see no cake.

Yes, it is false. I have no proof to back my claim. Or did you think i practiced blind faith?

You are also getting delirious... xD

Nem said:

Yes, it is false. I have no proof to back my claim. Or did you think i practiced blind faith?

You are also getting delirious... xD

Yes. You admit to having no proof to back your claim. That's probably the most accurate definition of blind faith there is.

Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Yes, it is false. I have no proof to back my claim. Or did you think i practiced blind faith?

You are also getting delirious... xD

Yes. You have no proof to back up your claim. That's probably the most accurate definition of blind faith there is.

So you agree that its false?


Heres one for the moment:

Nem said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Yes, it is false. I have no proof to back my claim. Or did you think i practiced blind faith?

You are also getting delirious... xD

Yes. You have no proof to back up your claim. That's probably the most accurate definition of blind faith there is.

So you agree that its false?

I don't agree that it's false. It may be false or true, I don't know. Unlike you, I'm not going to form any beliefs either way until I feel compelled to do so. And I especially don't hold false beliefs.

That's besides the point though. The point is you knowingly hold an unproven belief, yet you scorn others for doing the same.

Additionally, you did not dispute the fact that you practice blind faith.

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superchunk said:

If researchers had found the 'gay gene' (Particular gene that causes someone to be homosexual) very early in pregnancy or something else that provided a very accurate result, would you consider abortion to save the child from a life of torment and possible eternal damnation?

Absolutely not. You have to be trolling to make us believe that you think homosexuality is a bigger sin than abortion...

Being an atheist,  I don't think there is anything wrong with either being gay or having an abortion, but I'd consider that there are personal rules that I would adhere to:

1. Is the mother in danger.

2. Does the child have a high percentage chance of being born with a low quality of life.

Having personally been through a situation where a doctor misdiagnosed my wifes pregnancy (dignosed vomiting as a symptom of gal bladder disease and subsequently prescibed nuclear tests and anti nauseants that are not to be taken while pregnant ) it crippled the development of our child and we chose to abort because the child could not be born with a reasonable quality of life (5 working senses...high functioning brain.) Being gay does not depreciate a childs basic biological functions so that would never be a factor. If my child is gay, they are gay, and they will celebrate it the same as any straight person would. Why anyone is still bothered by the whole homosexuality thing is beyond me...God not withstanding.

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.

Are we still having this religious argument? I gave up a while ago.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Jay520 said:
Nem said:
Jay520 said:
Nem said:

Yes, it is false. I have no proof to back my claim. Or did you think i practiced blind faith?

You are also getting delirious... xD

Yes. You have no proof to back up your claim. That's probably the most accurate definition of blind faith there is.

So you agree that its false?

I don't agree that it's false. It may be false or true, I don't know. Unlike you, I'm not going to form any beliefs either way until I feel compelled to do so. And I especially don't hold false beliefs.

That's besides the point though. The point is you knowingly hold an unproven belief, yet you scorn others for doing the same.

Additionally, you did not dispute the fact that you practice blind faith.

Erm... i think you misread my post again. I said i dont practice blind faith.

I'm thinking belief was a very context sensite statement that you're trying to take advantage of. Belief for me is not irrational belief. I believe that there is logic to the possibility. I do not blindly believe in the event without it beeing proven.

If you read my other post, i said that its just as likely that black holes just spew out their material regularly just like a quasar would.

Notice how all these possibilities have logic and are within the realm of possibility. Just cause i took a pick as to wich one looks the most likely to me, doesnt mean i have a religious belief supported on ilogical and convenient teachings. I support the possibility of the opposite just as much. Based on obvservation and studies beeing made i see a very strong possibility that the first comes to be the case.

What i scorn, before you put words on my mouth again, is religion. Religion is born of something that is a convinent creation of our brains when it fails to find cause for events and taken advantage of by oportunist individuals. God is the center piece of that, and is something that makes absolutely no sense and yet drives people to commit unspeakable crimes.

mysticwolf said:
Are we still having this religious argument? I gave up a while ago.

Worry not, im on my leave little mouse man.

Dont hate me for trying to make the world a better place. <3

In fact i have to go sleep, it almost 4 am. It was an entertaining debate though.

Dont wish me away too hard or i might return though. ;)

Nem said:
mysticwolf said:
Are we still having this religious argument? I gave up a while ago.

Worry not, im on my leave little mouse man.

Dont hate me for trying to make the world a better place. <3

In fact i have to go sleep, it almost 4 am. It was an entertaining debate though.

Dont wish me away too hard or i might return though. ;)

little mouse man??!!

It's a chinchilla! :D

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash