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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 and PS3 YOY changes.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

you said in yoy sales.  thats not market share, its sales.  stop back tracking.

I quoted your post about market share yoy so that is what i was talking about, you're wrong, fact.

It isnt about market share.  Its about YOY decreases.  Where the fuck are you getting market share from?

*rolls eyes* What ever cherry picking year on year stat you happen to be refering to in your original post that is from July till now, that is what i am refering to. You waited to make this thread until just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in terms of that stat. *golf clap*

lmao.  weak.  done now. leave the thread if you dont like it or I will report your for derailing and trolling and anything else I can think of.

No it's just a fact, if you'd made this thread and compared July's yoy sales then the ps3 would have only been down 21.4% where as the 360 would have been down 29.2%. If you'd made this thread and compared July till end of August's yoy sales then they would have been neck and neck. Instead you decided to make this thread and cherry pick the numbers during the few weeks that coincide with the PS3 getting a price cut this time last year but before the new slim version PS3 comes out this year.

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Geez.. keep it civil...


kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

you said in yoy sales.  thats not market share, its sales.  stop back tracking.

I quoted your post about market share yoy so that is what i was talking about, you're wrong, fact.

It isnt about market share.  Its about YOY decreases.  Where the fuck are you getting market share from?

*rolls eyes* What ever cherry picking year on year stat you happen to be refering to in your original post that is from July till now, that is what i am refering to. You waited to make this thread until just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in terms of that stat. *golf clap*

lmao.  weak.  done now. leave the thread if you dont like it or I will report your for derailing and trolling and anything else I can think of.

No it's just a fact, if you'd made this thread and compared July's yoy sales then the ps3 would have only been down 21.4% where as the 360 would have been down 29.2%. If you'd made this thread and compared July till end of August's yoy sales then they would have been neck and neck. Instead you decided to make this thread and cherry pick the numbers during the few weeks that coincide with the PS3 getting a price cut this time last year but before the new slim version PS3 comes out this year.

See my post above yours.  I made it having looked at a Marketshare and YOY sales article on VGC front page.  You are seeing something that isn't there.  I repeat. Either reply to the OP with a view or leave. 

That is my view backed up with the FACTS. Even if you want to forget about the first half of the year (lol) where the 360 was down more year on year, in July the 360 was down yoy again more than the ps3 by 29.2% to 21.4%. From July till the end of August both consoles were down roughly the same. In September the PS3 is down more than the 360 because this time last year the ps3's price cut was in full effect whilst this year the ps3 didn't get a price cut but next week the ps3 slim is being released which will boost sales instead. Sorry if you don't like it but that's just the simple truth.

kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:
cookingyourmama said:
kowenicki said:

Year of two halves?

Global numbers YOY.

Jan to Jun 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 12.73%,    360 down 20.58%

Jul to now 2012 YOY:  PS3 down 37.13%,    360 down 29.59%


I thought it was interesting.  What does this tell us?





It tells us that you waited to make this thread untill just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in yoy sales for the second part of the year and right before the new PS3 slim model comes out which will boost sales back up. *golf clap*


That would be devious if it was true wouldnt it.  

Unfortunately, it isnt. The PS3 fell behind the PS3 in second half year sales?  really?  Guess what.... you're wrong.... again!  The PS3 is ahead of the 360 for the second half of the year by about 200k.  Oops the whole premise of your post (whining) went up in smoke. 

It tells us something concrete and it tells us something real, if you cant deal with it then buy a blanket.  Run along.

Lol nope, i'm talking about market share the same thing you're talking about in your original post, not unit sales difference, nevermind you're wrong again, run along. *rolls eyes*

you said in yoy sales.  thats not market share, its sales.  stop back tracking.

I quoted your post about market share yoy so that is what i was talking about, you're wrong, fact.

It isnt about market share.  Its about YOY decreases.  Where the fuck are you getting market share from?

*rolls eyes* What ever cherry picking year on year stat you happen to be refering to in your original post that is from July till now, that is what i am refering to. You waited to make this thread until just a few weeks after the PS3 fell behind the 360 in terms of that stat. *golf clap*

lmao.  weak.  done now. leave the thread if you dont like it or I will report your for derailing and trolling and anything else I can think of.

No it's just a fact, if you'd made this thread and compared July's yoy sales then the ps3 would have only been down 21.4% where as the 360 would have been down 29.2%. If you'd made this thread and compared July till end of August's yoy sales then they would have been neck and neck. Instead you decided to make this thread and cherry pick the numbers during the few weeks that coincide with the PS3 getting a price cut this time last year but before the new slim version PS3 comes out this year.

See my post above yours.  I made it having looked at a Marketshare and YOY sales article on VGC front page.  You are seeing something that isn't there.  I repeat. Either reply to the OP with a view or leave. 

That is my view backed up with the FACTS. Even if you want to forget about the first half of the year (lol) where the 360 was down more year on year, in July the 360 was down yoy again more than the ps3 by 29.2% to 21.4%. From July till the end of August both consoles were down roughly the same. In September the PS3 is down more than the 360 because this time last year the ps3's price cut was in full effect whilst this year the ps3 didn't get a price cut but next week the ps3 slim is being released which will boost sales instead. Sorry if you don't like it but that's the simple truth.

I KNOW thats the reason.  the oint of the thread isnt why its down its can they recover!?

what is so hard to understand?

The point is you chose to make the thread at the exact point in time which would make the ps3 look at it's worst. Why didn't you make this thread a few weeks ago before last years price cut would skew the numbers? Why didn't you chose to make this thread a couple of weeks after the upcoming ps3 slim launch? Hhhmmmmm funny that....

And no in your original post you didn't ask "Can they recover?" you asked "What does this tell us?" and i answered your question.

Locking by request...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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kowenicki said:
Can a mod lock this thread please. It's ruined now by a usual suspect. A ban would have been nice.

If you actually created a balance of pro or against threads for each console/company there wouldn't be problem, but the fact is you know full well what you are doing and everybody who isn't a 'fan' of the company/console you 'support' see it or comment on it as well. Just in the past year you have created the following threads:

360 and PS3 YOY changes - in which you cherry pick the data at the worst possible time for the ps3.

SONY credit rating cut again.

Sony stock down 8%

MS SONY NINTY Financials due... Shipment predictions? - in which you continue your on going campaign to get Vgchartz ps3 numbers lowered and the 360 numbers raised.

Chart-track: PSV at 110k in UK - a negative news thread

Sony falls to a new 30 YEAR low. Markets just dont believe them.

Sony drops to lowest in 25 years (Tokyo) as yen strengthens.

Big Adjustments - creating a thread just to show that the ps3/360 gap has been slightly adjusted in the 360's favour

Sony's Software, Hardware Synergy is an illusion...

Kaz lays out future... - a thread talking about the job cuts that Sony made.

Sony rating now cut by S&P too.

Sony: Now Moody's downgrade too.

Sony Ericsson: Qtr4 $266m loss.

Xbox 360 Passes NES Total

PSVita trapped between 3DS price cuts and Smartphones

Sony downgraded to BBB- by Fitch

Kinect Effect "Advertisement"... Superb celebration!

Sony stock 24 year low. "No turnaround in sight".

And that's not even talking about all the things you've come out with in other peoples threads or anything you've posted more than a year ago.