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blkfish92 said:
You know I wouldn't mind playing wow, but 15 bucks a month is really redonkulous.

Its a budget choice, either play 3 extra new games a year or pay WoW for a year. I have played very few new games this generation due to being caught up in WoW. I would say WoW saved me money, but who knows. Currently doing the combo of PS plus and WoW, so I get a new ps3 game every month and and still play WoW.

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It's been dead for me since WOTLK came out. Before that it was the best game out there.

Farsala said:
blkfish92 said:
You know I wouldn't mind playing wow, but 15 bucks a month is really redonkulous.

Its a budget choice, either play 3 extra new games a year or pay WoW for a year. I have played very few new games this generation due to being caught up in WoW. I would say WoW saved me money, but who knows. Currently doing the combo of PS plus and WoW, so I get a new ps3 game every month and and still play WoW.

If only they made it free..


xKakashi209x said:
It's been dead for me since WOTLK came out. Before that it was the best game out there.

I am curious - did you hate Wrath of the Lych King?

I thought it was pretty good.  I remember some excieting places where you get swamped by fog and have to make some fast real time decisions or you will die.  I liked some of the northern lands, combat going on that you can jon, etc.

Plus, baby Murlocs.  (While I hated Murlocs, and would go back and destroy one of their villiages once I became more powerful in revenge for all the greif they cause me as I was leveling up - the babys were just so cute.)



Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

Zappykins said:
xKakashi209x said:
It's been dead for me since WOTLK came out. Before that it was the best game out there.

I am curious - did you hate Wrath of the Lych King?

I thought it was pretty good.  I remember some excieting places where you get swamped by fog and have to make some fast real time decisions or you will die.  I liked some of the northern lands, combat going on that you can jon, etc.

Plus, baby Murlocs.  (While I hated Murlocs, and would go back and destroy one of their villiages once I became more powerful in revenge for all the greif they cause me as I was leveling up - the babys were just so cute.)


No but I know for a fact the game was made too easy and there was no reward in beating dungeon bosses anymore. You didn't get the same excitement as killing illidan. 

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Hating on WOW is extremely popular right now. All the cool kids do it. Also, the cool kids dislike Kung Fu Panda, so you need to hate on that too, otherwise you can't be cool.

Still sold millions.

WoW sucks. I played the 14 day trial once and regretted it ever since. The takes 0 skill. It's all, run here talk to them, do that, wait for a raid Fir 30 minutes, prepare for raid for 30 minutes...... walk here, walk, walk, walk, walk, fly, walk, walk, fly, walk. It's a game for casuals a doubt.

Grinding games are old news now as there are so many F2P grind MMO's out there. WoW's time is coming to and end.