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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

theprof00 said:

My current town list is mantle, hat, happy, trucks. I disagree with whoever had said it that zero is town.
We have 19 players, and this is 5 down for me. 14 to go.

I'm surprised you didn't have me down too, but you did say someone claiming to be a shadowling doesn't clear them, and well it is me.

Around the Network
Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:

prof is always active.

Not true. Just last game prof was quite inactive. He happened to be scum, but the inactivity was more due to work and sour grapes due to an "exploit". I don't think level of activity is an indicator of prof's alignment, but rather what he actually does with it.

Fair enough. You've played many more games with him than I did. I always interpreted his silence as just not wanting to get his theories crapped on all the time, but you're probably right with this.

Your point.

supermario128 said:

Everyone (some users) was assuming I was scum based on what I said. Indeed, I mixed up humans ans shadow spawn. How did I mix this up, because I am not either of them. Thus, it should have been obvious I was godlike. Now, if you were in my shoes you probably would have been a bit annoyed and scared of the mafia at the same time. This is because it should have been pretty obvious the godlike individuals are powerful, no? Thus, I claimed a power role to ask for the doctor's protection. If the mafia have a bus driver I will die anyway, but at least I tried, eh? :P

Again, I really don't see why we needed group names in the first place. This game would have been a lot better and less confusing without giving people group names and individual names... Just give people a role and that's it. You can still have a theme and write flavor. There is no need for all these names!

Rather than beat the dead horse of WHY you put yourself out there as a power role which led to asking for protection, even though you acknowledge the possibility of a BD(or strongman/roleblocker as hat said)...

Why were you so quick to categorize the three groups given the above stance?

supermario128 said:
Although, I really wish we would have stuck with the Mantle lynch. I feel like he really did slip up. Of course he is going to claim he is corrupt after the fact. Oh well. There is still time to go after him.

Back to Linkz. He is playing it more safe, asking less questions than usual, doing less scum hunting, and that whole thing against Zero seemed fake to me.

It was fake, as I said. Or do you mean I faked the results of it?

Carl2291 said:
theprof00 said:
Also we need to get some lurkers in here. Havent heard nearly enough from radiah carl and ff. And some people were using the excuse of the meta to active lurk.

Ive been here and posting.

I really don't see what else I could have done on this first day. A whole bunch of it has been about meta, like you said. Even now you guys are talking about previous games!

There are certain other users barely here at all who you didnt name too. Noctis, Spurge, Linkz... Why not mention them?

Seriously? You named the guy that was banned for like half of the Day(Night) while trying to divert attention?

...Sorry for clustering. I gotta run

Linkzmax said:

Good news everyone!

I've only read the last page and this one so far, but I got a PING!

Vote: radishhead

I'd say it's 95% certain, but I'll give two chances of persuading me otherwise.

radish, did you learn anything from last round?(I'm not talking about anything related to being a cop)


@hat "avoiding" the question
Maybe I just assumed something completely wrong by actually reading the thread, but I thought it was pretty obvious that the details that would be discussed "toMorrow" was Mantle saying nothing about being "corrupt". Hell, zero even acknowledges it:

I just want his scum ass lynched. Parroting, bandwagoning, Revenge voting/suspecting everyone that slightly suspects him. Arguing topics that are already mentioned or detailed. A lot of apparent proof of not following the game. This is no longer a question of lynching him to see if this is a trend, this is a matter of lynching him and CONFIRMING this is a trend behavior for when he's scum.

The guy went along with my plan to lynch mantle with little questions asked, acknowledges that I will NOT mention anything other about corrupts and non corrupts until day 2. Sees me as this flawless saint... but he questions my method the moment I put him in my suspect list? Demands answers for a question I made ultra clear I wouldn't talk about day 2. Repeatedly asks questions already answered.


That in itself is an inconsistency that needs not to be looked into. That is something you need to be lynched for. There is no doubt in my mind that Zero is scum, and nothing or anything anyone can say will make me feel differently about him. Radish's flaky rear can wait.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

hatmoza said:
Linkzmax said:

Good news everyone!

I've only read the last page and this one so far, but I got a PING!

Vote: radishhead

I'd say it's 95% certain, but I'll give two chances of persuading me otherwise.

radish, did you learn anything from last round?(I'm not talking about anything related to being a cop)


@hat "avoiding" the question
Maybe I just assumed something completely wrong by actually reading the thread, but I thought it was pretty obvious that the details that would be discussed "toMorrow" was Mantle saying nothing about being "corrupt". Hell, zero even acknowledges it:

I just want his scum ass lynched. Parroting, bandwagoning, Revenge voting/suspecting everyone that slightly suspects him. Arguing topics that are already mentioned or detailed. A lot of apparent proof of not following the game. This is no longer a question of lynching him to see if this is a trend, this is a matter of lynching him and CONFIRMING this is a trend behavior for when he's scum.

The guy went along with my plan to lynch mantle with little questions asked, acknowledges that I will NOT mention anything other about corrupts and non corrupts until day 2. Sees me as this flawless saint... but he questions my method the moment I put him in my suspect list? Demands answers for a question I made ultra clear I wouldn't talk about day 2. Repeatedly asks questions already answered.


That in itself is an inconsistency that needs not to be looked into. That is something you need to be lynched for. There is no doubt in my mind that Zero is scum, and nothing or anything anyone can say will make me feel differently about him. Radish's flaky rear can wait.

let's see a claim from radish first. There is no point abandoning 7 votes on someone.

Around the Network
TruckOSaurus said:
Carl2291 said:
Does anyone have a list of who is what race yet?

Id like to see who has claimed what. Who's claimed to be Human, Corrupted, Shadowspawn, Shadowling or Godlike?

As I recall:

TruckOSaurus - Shadowling (no name)
Prof - Shadowling (no name)
Zero - Shadowspawn (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Hatmoza - Corrupted Human (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Smeags - Wouldn't say but says he's a creature of the dark with a name
HappyDolphin - Corrupted Human (with a name)
mantlepiecek - Corrupted Human (with a name)
Mario - GodLike - important role (no mention of a name)
nen-suer - Shadowspawn


This is completely awkward and out of place to me personally. And as subtle as it is, this post gave me a scum vibe from Trucks.

I never once claimed corrupt human.

I mentioned my name with Kantor, googling, Fan fic search results, Kingdom hearts, etc. Why would Trucks so easily assume I was a corrupt human that I never really actually claimed ( though I can see why many would assume so) yet so easily dismiss or forget my name discussion with several users?

The only thing that comes to mind is QT discussion with fellow scum. Perhaps they discussed it, agreed on what I was or wasn't, then prematurely assumed the bolded sub consciously as rehearsed in the QT.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson


hatmoza said:
mantlepiecek said:
Zero, Trucks, hat, confirmed townies then.

I am human and town.

I guess that makes God-like persons scum then, according from what I understand from meta.

And in another post, you wrote

hatmoza said:

In one of the many endings of Catherine -and stop reading here if you hate spoilers- Vincent becomes corrupt and seeks a life in the netherworld with Catherine, eventually losing his human form. If that's not enough he becomes a powerful demonic overlord within a week.


Anyways, is it not possible that there are corrupt humans that live in the dark realm?

Then you wrote this

hatmoza said:
happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

Can you please format your argument in a better way? I don't understand what you're trying to say.

I'm a corrupt-human, town. There, that should be convincing enough, I don't believe in flavor analysis.

THAT'S what I'm looking for, baby!


Vote: Mantle



I actually have a question for you Hat, and thanks for bringing it up again.

When happy says "corrupt human" that points to you NOT being a corrupt human. You also said that according to the meta, godlikes are mafia. Therefore, you're a shadowspawn with a name, correct?

zero do you have a name?

zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Carl2291 said:
Does anyone have a list of who is what race yet?

Id like to see who has claimed what. Who's claimed to be Human, Corrupted, Shadowspawn, Shadowling or Godlike?

As I recall:

TruckOSaurus - Shadowling (no name)
Prof - Shadowling (no name)
Zero - Shadowspawn (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Hatmoza - Corrupted Human (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Smeags - Wouldn't say but says he's a creature of the dark with a name
HappyDolphin - Corrupted Human (with a name)
mantlepiecek - Corrupted Human (with a name)
Mario - GodLike - important role (no mention of a name)
nen-suer - Shadowspawn

I didnt get to read past this yet as im still catching up. but yeah i have no name.

Nevermind, found it.


So Hat, you are a shadowsomething with a name?

zero129 said:

Hatz, its clear you have a grudge against me, maybe its cos im the only one pushing you i dont know.

But lets sort this out well your online before you go again ok?.

1. Everyone i have suspected i have gave clear good reasons for (Except following you with the mantle vote as many others did!, so dont just pick me out of many. But still i should of followed my own judgement). I am not suspecting you for suspecting me, thats what you are doing!. i suspect you for 1 starting the mantle vote and getting others to follow by saying you would explain everything tomorrow and for us all to vote for him, only to then backpeddle and say it was nothing. After this point you never said i will still explain it all tomorrow, you never said anything else about it!.

Until i started to bring it back up again, now you say you will explain everything about it tomorrow once again!. its only once i started pushing you on this question you brught it back up again other then that you didnt explain anything!.

So this has not been explained or detailed as you never said anything else about it!.

And dont talk about things that was said about it before we all voted as the one that got us to vote was not what you explained about the being 2 types of humans but this post .

This came after that post linkz has linked too, its also what i have been asking you about.

You never said anything else about it from the time you removed your vote here

To the time i pushed you enough to get you to bring it back up again here

Where you say "I want to see how long this would go on before someone mentioned to Zero that I said I would go over the details tomorrow"

Except since the time you said you where wrong with the mantle thing you never said anything more about it. So how exactly have i been pushing you on things that you have already explained, when you never even said anything else about tomorrow until i started to push you on it.

So as you can see your trying to twist everyones view on me by flat out lying!. here you are lying about it again! . You never explained anything as i have shown up above. Your just trying to lie about things to try get people on your side.

I then asked you another question here

Asking "why do we need to wait until tomorrow for this big reveal of yours?, it seems no longer important since you removed your vote from mantle and pretty much said you made a mistake? so why cant you tell us now what it was that you thought you had?"

You still never replyed.

So as you can see i have not been pushing questions that has been detailed and explained, i have not been twisting words to suit my agenda, i have also not been lying. You on the other hand have been got red handed doing all of the above.


@underlined. That doesn't surprise me in the slightest.