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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Ok Radish, I am willing to drop my argument with you for now. I still think you are mafia but I feel that if we keep fighting over small things we will distract town over pointless things, especially since we have had the conversation a few times now (or at least it feels like that).

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Zero, I can see why Hat ignores you, if you are going to rude enough to not even call me by my proper name when asked I don't see why I should have to talk to you. I'll respond to you one last time and then I am going to ignore you because to be perfectly honest, I don't like you as a person.

I've already stated that I didn't realise that was the question you were referring to and that in the future you should include the question in the post where say people haven't answered it unless it is stated on something else you have quoted so as people know what you are talking about. You can argue about this as much as you like, it will never change.

As to the accusations about waiting until people have said what they think about people and then me adding what I want to're absolutely right, and yet this doesn't invalidate what I have said about the people I have spoken about in any way. I really had no idea who to suspect until Prof mentioned what he said about Radish because what he said resonated with me and caused me to rethink about what had Radish had been doing this game.

Since you seem to be under the impression I have no opinions of my own I'll show you what I have in my notes, just be forewarned it is all very loose which is the reason that I have said any of it yet;

Linkz - Town, I get the feeling that he is in the process of trying to catch up with this thread due to the explosion of activity in it. If he was mafia I get the feeling he would have at least posted to say that he was in the process of catching up and as such I believe he is simply a town who feels he has nothing to fear

Spurge - Town, posting far less than he did last game when he was mafia, might be a result of the fact that he is trying to catch up, similar feeling to Linkz

Smeags - Neutral, unlike the other two he has posted enough to make me feel that he is keeping up with the thread, however, when he does post it doesn't appear to be of much value, going to keep an eye on his future posts

DT - Neutral, seems to be attempting to play well but isn't really saying that much when he does post. This is especially true for his earlier posts where he would often say what others had already said and then maybe add something that he thinks might be the case in relation to it. Similar to my play style this game in some ways but I feel that he has something he is hiding something due to the way he has been talking about things like 3rd party a lot more than everyone else in the game.

Anyway, I am going to bed now as I don't feel well and I have to be up early tomorrow. Just thought I better get this out there because I wouldn't put it past Zero to suspect me purely because I didn't respond to him the same night.

Yoshiya said:
Zero, I can see why Hat ignores you, if you are going to rude enough to not even call me by my proper name when asked I don't see why I should have to talk to you. I'll respond to you one last time and then I am going to ignore you because to be perfectly honest, I don't like you as a person.

I've already stated that I didn't realise that was the question you were referring to and that in the future you should include the question in the post where say people haven't answered it unless it is stated on something else you have quoted so as people know what you are talking about. You can argue about this as much as you like, it will never change.

As to the accusations about waiting until people have said what they think about people and then me adding what I want to're absolutely right, and yet this doesn't invalidate what I have said about the people I have spoken about in any way. I really had no idea who to suspect until Prof mentioned what he said about Radish because what he said resonated with me and caused me to rethink about what had Radish had been doing this game.

Since you seem to be under the impression I have no opinions of my own I'll show you what I have in my notes, just be forewarned it is all very loose which is the reason that I have said any of it yet;

Linkz - Town, I get the feeling that he is in the process of trying to catch up with this thread due to the explosion of activity in it. If he was mafia I get the feeling he would have at least posted to say that he was in the process of catching up and as such I believe he is simply a town who feels he has nothing to fear

Spurge - Town, posting far less than he did last game when he was mafia, might be a result of the fact that he is trying to catch up, similar feeling to Linkz

Smeags - Neutral, unlike the other two he has posted enough to make me feel that he is keeping up with the thread, however, when he does post it doesn't appear to be of much value, going to keep an eye on his future posts

DT - Neutral, seems to be attempting to play well but isn't really saying that much when he does post. This is especially true for his earlier posts where he would often say what others had already said and then maybe add something that he thinks might be the case in relation to it. Similar to my play style this game in some ways but I feel that he has something he is hiding something due to the way he has been talking about things like 3rd party a lot more than everyone else in the game.

@bold. They barely posted and you have not a neutral, but a town read on them. Nice, that means I'll read them as scumreads, since I suspect you too ;)

Good news everyone!

I've only read the last page and this one so far, but I got a PING!

Vote: radishhead

I'd say it's 95% certain, but I'll give two chances of persuading me otherwise.

radish, did you learn anything from last round?(I'm not talking about anything related to being a cop)


@hat "avoiding" the question
Maybe I just assumed something completely wrong by actually reading the thread, but I thought it was pretty obvious that the details that would be discussed "toMorrow" was Mantle saying nothing about being "corrupt". Hell, zero even acknowledges it:

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zero129 said:
Hatz heres another question for you (Make sure you answer my first question too!, about why you cant tell us what you had on mantle now).
Do you have a name? Cos the other corrupt humans have a name and when looking at the list i seen the wasnt one beside you.

wait, what? I distinctly remember having a conversation with Kantor about googling our characters names that several people also commented on.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I could've used that gif wednesday

nen-suer said:
mantlepiecek said:
nen-suer said:
That doesnt work i'm afraid. Corrupted humans are born from darkness no matter how you look at it.

The only way you can make this false assumption is if you are human untainted by the drakness.

I'm voting you for the simple fact that you thought darkness = bad.

I would like to know how you think corrupted humans can't be CORRUPTED heroes.

Stefl didn't give me a story detailing the background story of how corrupted humans are born and what happened with them.

Where did i say corrupted humans can't be corrupted heroes?! (i acctually i thought human ARE the heroes)

And you don't need a background story to sort things  ... "corrupted = bad" end of story.

You were probably informed that humans can be town or mafia by the mod (your safe claim) and you made the mistake of claiming

carelessly before testing the waters.

You've ignored mantle asking it, but why would there be safe claims for made up flavor?

And an original one: If mantle is scum with a safe claim, how could he have messed it up? The whole point of a safe claim is it won't be questioned.

mantlepiecek said:

Linkz feels a bit different this time. I am not sure if he was being truthful when he said he was testing zero with his suspicion.

Not only zero mind you, but what do you suggest I was up to instead?

happydolphin said:

prof is always active.

Not true. Just last game prof was quite inactive. He happened to be scum, but the inactivity was more due to work and sour grapes due to an "exploit". I don't think level of activity is an indicator of prof's alignment, but rather what he actually does with it.