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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

spurgeonryan said:
Lol, Radish you were a giant freaking bomb that lost the game for town. Not literally a bomb though. Lol!

I did pretty good last game, I thought :k

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mantlepiecek said:
"People with hearts that shine like the sun"

Why did you remove that line?


Are you  flavour hunting in my sarcastic remarks?.....Like............for real ?! Your really being serious right now ?!

Yes, I did think I represented the light. Because human = light according to flavour.

And why did YOU remove the corrupted part ?! Is it becouse that will make you a corrupted light?

So what do you think about corrupted humans? How do you think they must have been born or you know, how were they formed in this game?

I posted this for you before from the OP

Soon the now unguarded gate of worlds opens from the other side, to allow entrance to a small group of heroes, venturing inside the realm carried by their hope, to avert the forthcoming night. Slowly, their minds will be teinted by the darkness surrounding them

Lets just stop this. I'm not pushing for your lynch anymore. I just want this night to pass while i still making sense of this world.

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spurgeonryan said:
radishhead said:
spurgeonryan said:
Lol, Radish you were a giant freaking bomb that lost the game for town. Not literally a bomb though. Lol!

I did pretty good last game, I thought :k

:3 ok.


So Kantor definitely left?

Yeah- and with a replacement looking unlikely, it's one of the main reasons that I don't want a lynch today. Remember last game we had 2 modkills and a "policy lynch", leaving the town having to basically play a perfect game to win. Maybe that's "playing safe" to some people, but to me it's simply sensible.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

spurgeonryan said:
Lol, Radish you were a giant freaking bomb that lost the game for town. Not literally a bomb though. Lol!

ROFL. You had me there for a while lol.

Man even if radish was a real Bomb there is a good chance he will be a dud. (kidding you know i love radish).

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zero129 said:
hatmoza said:

meh I kinda stopped reading and posting when I saw Kantor quit. Both because I hate it when players (usually townies) do that, and I was turned off by the sudden realization that we do overkill it with posts during day 1.

I don't want long day 1s anymore. And to take from F-F, I don't want this game or any future to be a chore. When it comes to the point where there are so many posts that it's hard to find a replacement due to that fact, it's time for us to start seriously thinking about the way we approach day 1. I mean look at the towers of posts between prof and happy. That's more than enough information that the average player should know , require or need to do basic analyzations. It honestly made me skip a heap of their conversation.

I may not have understood where F-F was coming from, but after hours of thinking about it, I'm an advocate of simpler, shorter game starts.

I'm done with day 1.

Vote: Zero

Im amazed with how fast you wanted to lynch me after saying how Kantor is quiting.

So you want to lose 2 towns in 1 day and then another one tonight?, just like what happened last game?.

What irks me the most about this post is that you were scum last game...

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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zero129 said:

Im amazed with how fast you wanted to lynch me after saying how Kantor is quiting.

So you want to lose 2 towns in 1 day and then another one tonight?, just like what happened last game?.

What makes you so sure Kantor is town o_0

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nen-suer said:
mantlepiecek said:
nen-suer said:
Dark = bad, light = good. right ?

Now do you  consider corrupted human beings of light or beings of darkness ?

I don't know. At first I didn't consider human/shadowspawn theory. I just went by light/dark theme.

That doesnt work i'm afraid. Corrupted humans are born from darkness no matter how you look at it.

The only way you can make this false assumption is if you are human untainted by the drakness.

I'm voting you for the simple fact that you thought darkness = bad.

nen, why did you say this?

Any clarification?

zero129 said:
Im amazed with how fast you wanted to lynch me after saying how Kantor is quiting.

So you want to lose 2 towns in 1 day and then another one tonight?, just like what happened last game?.

Is that a slip?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
TruckOSaurus - Shadowling (no name)

Prof - Shadowling (no name)
Zero - Shadowspawn (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Hatmoza - Corrupted Human (I don't believe he mentionned anything about a name)
Smeags - Wouldn't say but says he's a creature of the dark with a name
HappyDolphin - Corrupted Human (with a name)
mantlepiecek - Corrupted Human (with a name)
Mario - GodLike - important role (no mention of a name)
nen-suer - Shadowspawn

I didnt get to read past this yet as im still catching up. but yeah i have no name.

No description ...just a shadowspawn?  nothing more to you than that ? (and no i'm not talking about your role)

coze i kinda have a name.......well maybe more of a description if i wanna be more precise.

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mantlepiecek said:
nen-suer said:
That doesnt work i'm afraid. Corrupted humans are born from darkness no matter how you look at it.

The only way you can make this false assumption is if you are human untainted by the drakness.

I'm voting you for the simple fact that you thought darkness = bad.

nen, why did you say this?

Any clarification?

I'm officially ignoring you from now on.

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