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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

DarkThanatos said:
Sorry, accidentally double-posted it. You want me to delete the second?

No, it's fine. You are not allowed to edit posts in mafia games.

And you can't delete them on this forum.

After your latest post, I've decided I will lay off you. There was someone else who mentioned the possibility that you maybe town (overconfident, or overenthusiastic, both not a bad trait btw), and your posts at first glance make me feel a little better about you.

The reason why I still have my vote on you is because it doesn't matter if I remove it. Also I don't want to lynch someone new to the game. If you are town then you deserve some time and experience to defend yourself and scumhunt, and if you are scum then that would be your bad luck, and we still give you some time to prepare yourself a good defense.

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mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:
Sorry, accidentally double-posted it. You want me to delete the second?

No, it's fine. You are not allowed to edit posts in mafia games.

And you can't delete them on this forum.

After your latest post, I've decided I will lay off you. There was someone else who mentioned the possibility that you maybe town (overconfident, or overenthusiastic, both not a bad trait btw), and your posts at first glance make me feel a little better about you.

The reason why I still have my vote on you is because it doesn't matter if I remove it. Also I don't want to lynch someone new to the game. If you are town then you deserve some time and experience to defend yourself and scumhunt, and if you are scum then that would be your bad luck, and we still give you some time to prepare yourself a good defense.

I was the one that suggested he was town. I just get the feeling that he is trying to be helpful to town but doesn't necessarily know how so he is taking what other people have said and then compiling it and trying to say something new, even if he doesn't necessarily know if it is true. Not the best way to play but I don't think it has made him scum.

zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
happydolphin said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Let me shine a light on you (and hopefully end this):

The OP is not the only place where flavor can be found.

Corrupted-human would prove that, but it isn't far-fetched.

Shadowling is, especially due to its history it's a highly controversial and highly unlikely possibility, and I don't believe it for a second.

So you and prof can take your lights and walk out back the gate from whence you came.

My God you're stubborn!

Let me explain using StarCraft.

Stefl would have said there's three races Terran, Protoss and Zerg.

My PM could have read something like "You are a Zergling from the Gamma Brood"

So the OP mentions Zerg the race but individual PMs mention Zergling, the unit/underling.

No it was clear in my PM that i am a Shadowspawn who is a townie. It mentions nothing about no Shadowlings.

Why would it mention other roles? That's like saying "You are cop, btw, there is also a doctor and two masons in the game." in a complete flavourless game.

With all of this I think we've forgotten about Mario.

He has claimed to be GodLike and a very important role after very little pressure which I can't help but feel bad about. Add to that, that even with the addition of corrupted human in my understanding of the setup, I still feel good about the GodLike being a scum group.

Let's say what he said was the truth, that he's GodLike and powerful and town. Why the hell would he make this post? :

supermario128 said:
So, can we assume Humans are vanilla townies, Shadowspawn are mafia, and Godlike are powerful townies? I guess it really doesn't matter. We will find out sooner or later.

That post is a big flashing sign for scum saying "If you want to kill power roles, look for GodLikes!!!". I could understand this kind of post coming from a vanilla townie (which was what I thought he was at time he posted it), since it would only be a wild guess but for someone who's actually GodLike and a power role, that's an incredibly careless thing to do, you're putting yourself at risk along with everyone who is GodLike as well. Which is why I don't believe mario is what he said he was.

Signature goes here!

Trucks give him respite. Lets see if someone goes to kill him. I think its likely that they wont.

vote: radish

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TruckOSaurus said:

With all of this I think we've forgotten about Mario.

He has claimed to be GodLike and a very important role after very little pressure which I can't help but feel bad about. Add to that, that even with the addition of corrupted human in my understanding of the setup, I still feel good about the GodLike being a scum group.

Let's say what he said was the truth, that he's GodLike and powerful and town. Why the hell would he make this post? :

supermario128 said:
So, can we assume Humans are vanilla townies, Shadowspawn are mafia, and Godlike are powerful townies? I guess it really doesn't matter. We will find out sooner or later.

That post is a big flashing sign for scum saying "If you want to kill power roles, look for GodLikes!!!". I could understand this kind of post coming from a vanilla townie (which was what I thought he was at time he posted it), since it would only be a wild guess but for someone who's actually GodLike and a power role, that's an incredibly careless thing to do, you're putting yourself at risk along with everyone who is GodLike as well. Which is why I don't believe mario is what he said he was.

Since scum can freely talk in this game of darkness ("  Since the night in the Realm of Darkness is eternal, nighttalk is allowed"), I don't think that would be necessary.

Zero please make super sure that your pm does indeed say shadowspawn. If it does, no biggie, im not going to say youre scum, ill probably defend you in fact. I just want to be 100% positive before we continue this debate.
I think its likely you misread it.

theprof00 said:
Trucks give him respite. Lets see if someone goes to kill him. I think its likely that they wont.

vote: radish

I'm going to assume this is because I suspected you of being mafia? I was exaggurating a little, but you can't deny that your debate looked a little suspicious

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zero129 said:

Yoshi thats twice now you came to the aid of prof, its making me suspect you.

Its clear you must not know what is going on here. People should be able to see how strong my argument is against him. as its simple, I am Shadowspawn and i am Also town, I know for a fact this to be true and i know any other shadow spawn that sees this also knows it to be true. So he is 1 lying about shadowlings and they are not real or 2. He is a Shadowling and he is mafia as the is no way can the be Town Shadowspawn and town Shadowlings.

Think about it!

@bold. Zero, I'm getting a strong town vibe from you, but for bold I can't see why.

Are you sure that Shadowlings aren't just a type of Shadowspawn- you realise that if we lynch Prof and he flips town, you're in pretty big trouble?

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