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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
Wasn't there a previous round where we had some members of a faction that had a name and others that didn't? I can't remember

Trying to open escape doors for trapped scum to slip through, are we?

No, I just don't see why scum wouldn't be given a name, whereas town would? Stefl wouldn't make it impossible for the mafia to fakeclaim

You haven't been following at all. Having a name doesn't have anything to do with alignment but from what I gathered up until now, humans have names and shadowlings don't.

likely gods too

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Happy, I'm just wondering if you're prepping questions for me.
I hope you're not just twiddling your thumbs. Feel free to ignore this post if you ninja with a bunch of questions. It's just been 15 minutes, so I'm wondering if those questions are coming or not.

theprof00 said:

Why can't you explain what is wrong about the logic?

You're only saying that it fails, but my one failure is understanding how it supposedly fails.

Okay, let me try:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic.

1) Smeags used the word before you, and as such, he is the one with the authority on the meaning of the word.

2) Shadowlings is not mentioned in the OP, and as such is not a creature in the  flavor.

3) You pretend to be a shadowling, and pretend that shadowlings don't have names, yet shadowlings have no bearing in flavor, because they don't exist in the flavor.

4) Given OP, since shadowling has no bearing on who has a name and who doesn't (since it isn't tied to flavor), your conclusion is false "that I cannot be a shadowling and have a name".

5) If you bring in any extra logic after the fact, it cannot be employed in that logic, as nobody was made aware of it and can't be considered part of that post's logic.

TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
Wasn't there a previous round where we had some members of a faction that had a name and others that didn't? I can't remember

Trying to open escape doors for trapped scum to slip through, are we?

No, I just don't see why scum wouldn't be given a name, whereas town would? Stefl wouldn't make it impossible for the mafia to fakeclaim

You haven't been following at all. Having a name doesn't have anything to do with alignment but from what I gathered up until now, humans have names and shadowlings don't.

Yeah you're right, I was confused - I can't follow this metagaming that has been going on over the past 100 posts or so

But isn't prof trying to argue that having a name does have something to do with alignment?

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zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:

It's not. If Smeags is to be believed (and I currently do), he just happened to use a term that's part of the game setup by accident while roleplaying.

Ok, but then that would mean imo that anyone that confirmed that they are a shadowling are mafia.

We know Shadowspawn = Town, corrupt human = Town. So then since Normal Human = Mafia wouldnt that mean Shadowlings = Mafia's version of shadowspawn??.

I know for a fact that shadowling doesn't equal Mafia.

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radishhead said:

Yeah you're right, I was confused - I can't follow this metagaming that has been going on over the past 100 posts or so

But isn't prof trying to argue that having a name does have something to do with alignment?

It probably does but it's a red herring in the whole "shadowling" debate, which is a mafia fabrication as the history of it can prove.

Smeags used the word in role playing such as to denote everyone in town (he said as much). Mafia tried to use that to frame me, and it failed, and now they are trying to push it as a legitimate term, which it is not.

That's my opinion on it. Too coincidental to be something Smeags brought up and now suddenly is a species in the game that isn't mentioned in OP.

Corrupt-human would be understandable to one who isn't, since there is mention of that in the OP, but especially there is mention of humans in the OP. Shadowlings none.

happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

Why can't you explain what is wrong about the logic?

You're only saying that it fails, but my one failure is understanding how it supposedly fails.

Okay, let me try:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic.

1) Smeags used the word before you, and as such, he is the one with the authority on the meaning of the word.

2) Shadowlings is not mentioned in the OP, and as such is not a creature in the  flavor.

3) You pretend to be a shadowling, and pretend that shadowlings don't have names, yet shadowlings have no bearing in flavor, because they don't exist in the flavor.

4) Given OP, since shadowling has no bearing on who has a name and who doesn't (since it isn't tied to flavor), your conclusion is false "that I cannot be a shadowling and have a name".

5) If you bring in any extra logic after the fact, it cannot be employed in that logic, as nobody was made aware of it and can't be considered part of that post's logic.

Let me shine a light on you (and hopefully end this):

The OP is not the only place where flavor can be found.

Signature goes here!

zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
zero129 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Smeags said:

Nay. Rolaze was the name given to me by Stefl our Supreme Creator. I wear the name proudly.

(Anywho, today's kinda busy for me with a test in school, but I'll try and stop by later on to participate more.)

Are you a shadowling or a corrupt human?

Ok now you talking about Shadowlings, as far as i know its something smeags just made up!.

It's not. If Smeags is to be believed (and I currently do), he just happened to use a term that's part of the game setup by accident while roleplaying.

Ok, but then that would mean imo that anyone that confirmed that they are a shadowling are mafia.

We know Shadowspawn = Town, corrupt human = Town. So then since Normal Human = Mafia wouldnt that mean Shadowlings = Mafia's version of shadowspawn??.

Explain. How does it confirm I am mafia?

See your problem is that you're calling "heroes" "normal humans".

I get what you're trying to say, which is this:
Genus: Heroes
species: plain human
Genus: Shadowspawn
Specis: shadowling, corrupted human,
Genus: Godlike
Species: ?

Is that right? Can you make a graph like this so I can see where you think all the species land?

TruckOSaurus said:

Let me shine a light on you (and hopefully end this):

The OP is not the only place where flavor can be found.

Corrupted-human would prove that, but it isn't far-fetched.

Shadowling is, especially due to its history it's a highly controversial and highly unlikely possibility, and I don't believe it for a second.

So you and prof can take your lights and walk out back the gate from whence you came.

mantlepiecek said:
DarkThanatos said:

I think I'm fairly confident on the races.  

Plain Human : Mafia

Corrupted Human and Shadowspan: Town 

Godlike: Town/ 3rd Party

I'm taking this from the OP and from the knowledge that I am Ertagor, a Corrupted Human and town. 

However the only way that we can confirm anything or get any more knowledge now is to lynch someone and see what the reaction/ turnout is. 

Out of all the players so far, Mantle has stood out to me, as having inconsitent arguments, flaws in his knowledge and responses, and throwing around accusations based on little to try and shake off suspicion, rather then giving consistent counter-arguments. Seeing as 7 of us have at some point voted Mantle, and two more have said they are willing to vote for Mantle, I would reccomend giving that a thought. 

Point out the inconsistent arguments.

I can see where you are with flaws in knowledge.

Also show me where I throw around accusations based on little to try and shake off suspicion. Do you know that this is exactly what conj said last round as scum? I am not going to say only scum say this, but this point needs proper proof.

What do you feel about Nen?

Firstly, starting off saying you where human, then after coming under suspicion changing it to corrupted human. Your reasoning is that "you thought corrupted human was only you" - If you where town, and had no idea what any of the other classes were, why feel the need to keep it just to human? No-one else had a problem with coming out as corrupted human after, I just find that all a bit suspicious- even if it is an honest mistake. 

Secondly, the response of "I was just testing you" Is weak at best. Obviously I have not seen play before, so I dont know if this is a common playstyle, but from a first opinion I feel this is a weak response. 

Thirdly, you where not sure between light and dark being good or bad. Most of the towns are creatures of the darkness, so this just raises my suspicions that you are not who you say you are. You claim to be a corrupted human, yet as nen pointed out, you thought that corrupted human where light. As a corrupted human myself, who knows that I'm dark, thats a major incosistancy.

Forthly, your rebuttal of arguments like hat was simply "You are very stupid sometimes hat." Not what I would call a proper defence. Similarly your retaliations to Happy's arguments where also poor. "Nope you have no idea what piss poor is then" - rather then clarifying it. 

Fifthly, you complained that flavour and calling yourself human where not reasons alone for being scum. Yet you "hat I think is town purely based on his character claim." 

The throwing out accusations- You said "Carl was probably scum" - without any justification as to why. Similarly with me, I voted with incorrect format, and the next post you called me scum imo.

Other reasons are Hat, who claims to have a good reason to think you are scum. Which alone is not enough for me to believe him, but if we did lynch you, and you were town, then he would be the next to be lynched. I think that is too big a risk for him to take without due reason. Combined with Carl, who has kept quite and appears to be thinking a lot about this, being suspicious of you as well... its just a matter of lots of little things adding up. 

Finally, this opening round it is all taken off little evidence, and someone needs to get lynched or we all vote for no-lynch. You are the person that I have the most suspicion of, so thats why I vote you. Understand my point a little better? Feel free to try and clarify any accusations I have made again though, because if you are Town, then I dont want us not understanding your point to kill you off. 

What do you mean by what do i think about nen?

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