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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
... This is what got us killed in the pokemon round. prof asked you simple questions and you avoided them.

And he avoided mine, as I've proven before. If he had just played fair, this would have been resolved.

He is also lying, because he said that he didn't think I meant shadowspawn, yet he went on to explain that I had a name and he didn't because he is something I'm not, while we all know that shadowling isn't a species in this game.

So, he was playing bait and switch, and trying to mislead town, and should be held accountable by town. Now is not the time to take his side.

I don't recall any avoided questions. What are you referring to?

As a corrupt-human, how do you know a shadowling isn't a subset of shadowspawn?

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theprof00 said:

You are so blind.

I haven't danced at all. I asked you questions that you've OUTRIGHT refused to answer. I've told you that it's important that you answer these questions. You've instead called me a bully. I PREDICTED that not answering questions leads to problems, you refused again. Now I tell you everything and you say I'm dancing.

My justification:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic. Then after much arguing, you say that you are a corrupt human. I just want to make sure you are being honest because it sounded like you were just making something up to "satisfy me". I told you there would be no problems, that I am not a firebrand who likes to start trouble simply because of a misunderstanding. You have time and again danced around.

Mario was a human yet as a human yourself, you never felt the need to say "hey guys maybe humans aren't all mafia". These are questions that I ask you to avoid all this conflagration.

You claim to be a shadowling, but don't believe that that is a shadowspawn. So be truthful and explain how you are a shadowling and I am not.

If Smeags used the word before me to denote anyone in the land of darkness, as Linkz and I brought forth his posts, you should see that you claiming to be a shadowling as a creature with no name contradicts Smeags' use of the word, and as such you mislead everybody, and are now blaming me for holding my cards close to my chest for YOUR mistakes.

Ask yourself happy. If I am lying, HOW DID I KNOW THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG?

Linkzmax said:

I don't recall any avoided questions. What are you referring to?

As a corrupt-human, how do you know a shadowling isn't a subset of shadowspawn?

If there was such a thing as a shadowling, why make a case on it when I mention it, why harp me on it and not mention anything about Smeags. I'll just say Prof himself said it is not a shadowspawn, so why should I believe such a thing?

At unanswered questions:

theprof00 said:
Ask yourself happy. If I am lying, HOW DID I KNOW THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG?

BECAUSE YOU FABRICATED IT AND ARE A LIAR. It should be clear to town at this point.

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happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

You are so blind.

I haven't danced at all. I asked you questions that you've OUTRIGHT refused to answer. I've told you that it's important that you answer these questions. You've instead called me a bully. I PREDICTED that not answering questions leads to problems, you refused again. Now I tell you everything and you say I'm dancing.

My justification:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic. Then after much arguing, you say that you are a corrupt human. I just want to make sure you are being honest because it sounded like you were just making something up to "satisfy me". I told you there would be no problems, that I am not a firebrand who likes to start trouble simply because of a misunderstanding. You have time and again danced around.

Mario was a human yet as a human yourself, you never felt the need to say "hey guys maybe humans aren't all mafia". These are questions that I ask you to avoid all this conflagration.

1 You claim to be a shadowling, but don't believe that that is a shadowspawn.

2 So be truthful and explain how you are a shadowling and I am not.

3 If Smeags used the word before me to denote anyone in the land of darkness, as Linkz and I brought forth his posts, you should see that you claiming to be a shadowling as a creature with no name contradicts Smeags' use of the word, and as such you mislead everybody, and are now blaming me for holding my cards close to my chest for YOUR mistakes.

1 Shadowling IS A SHADOWSPAWN.

2 I am a shadowspawn, you are an ADMITTED corrupt human.

3 It does NOT contradict. Explain how you think this contradicts. He uses it about others, HE has a name, I am such a creature, I have no name. THere is NO contradiction. Those things exist together without contradiction!

4 No it doesn't mean I mislead anyone, you are just saying buzz words.

Vote: Linkzmax

You are my biggest scum vibe right now. A little too confident, supporting prof's BS. I see you scum this game.

What bs...

"1 Shadowling IS A SHADOWSPAWN.
2 I am a shadowspawn, you are an ADMITTED corrupt human.
3 It does NOT contradict. Explain how you think this contradicts. He uses it about others, HE has a name, I am such a creature, I have no name. THere is NO contradiction. Those things exist together without contradiction!
4 No it doesn't mean I mislead anyone, you are just saying buzz words."

And before that

If town doesn't see through your BS, they suck.

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:

I don't recall any avoided questions. What are you referring to?

As a corrupt-human, how do you know a shadowling isn't a subset of shadowspawn?

If there was such a thing as a shadowling, why make a case on it when I mention it, why harp me on it and not mention anything about Smeags. I'll just say Prof himself said it is not a shadowspawn, so why should I believe such a thing?

At unanswered questions:

You said he avoided questions. Even though prof said he wouldn't reveal his source, which we now know to be due to his character, he did say it was due to a read.

Here's avoiding a question:

happydolphin said:
theprof00 said:

Did you make up this name of yours?

What would make you think that?

Point 3: HE has a name, I have a name, other non-shadowspawn have a name. So, shadowling =/= shadowspawn.

End of bs. But keep going if you like you will dig your way to your grave. Sucks to be mafia again doesn't it?