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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

You've been dancing around pretty heavily, calling yourself a shadowling and me not, calling me a pretender, yet with no justification.

So, you should blame yourself for misleading town.

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Linkzmax said:
Smeags said:
mantlepiecek said:
Well, I can't understand you much anyway. I just thought that maybe you were RPing again but this time as mafia.

(I'm RolePlaying like always )

Nay shadowling, only that Carl should be more careful of his words... lest they betray him.

Quoted for reference.

Add this to it:

*Layman's term mode*

Carl posted "The night is dark and full of terrors"

That quote is from Game of Thrones.

The people who say that are worshipers of R'hllor.

R'hllor is the Lord of Light, Heart of Fire, and God of Light and Shadow.

Since we're in the Realm of Darkness, we don't like Light and Fire, which is what R'hllor represents.

Therefore, Carl's quote was a bad one. That's all I wanted to say.

*End layman's term mode*

Cursed shadowlings, why must you misconstrue my words!

... This is what got us killed in the pokemon round. prof asked you simple questions and you avoided them.

Linkzmax said:
... This is what got us killed in the pokemon round. prof asked you simple questions and you avoided them.

And he avoided mine, as I've proven before. If he had just played fair, this would have been resolved.

He is also lying, because he said that he didn't think I meant shadowspawn, yet he went on to explain that I had a name and he didn't because he is something I'm not, while we all know that shadowling isn't a species in this game.

So, he was playing bait and switch, and trying to mislead town, and should be held accountable by town. Now is not the time to take his side.

happydolphin said:
You've been dancing around pretty heavily, calling yourself a shadowling and me not, calling me a pretender, yet with no justification.

So, you should blame yourself for misleading town.

You are so blind.

I haven't danced at all. I asked you questions that you've OUTRIGHT refused to answer. I've told you that it's important that you answer these questions. You've instead called me a bully. I PREDICTED that not answering questions leads to problems, you refused again. Now I tell you everything and you say I'm dancing.

My justification:

You called yourself a shadowling, smeags used the word before you. Smeags claimed a name. Then you did too. I am a shadowling and I don't have a name. Therefore, you cannot be a shadowling and have a name. That is called logic. Then after much arguing, you say that you are a corrupt human. I just want to make sure you are being honest because it sounded like you were just making something up to "satisfy me". I told you there would be no problems, that I am not a firebrand who likes to start trouble simply because of a misunderstanding. You have time and again danced around.

Mario was a human yet as a human yourself, you never felt the need to say "hey guys maybe humans aren't all mafia". These are questions that I ask you to avoid all this conflagration.

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With 18 players alive it needs 10 to lynch. A double lynch is possible.

  L-9 L-8

pezus noctis

noctis spurge                  
darkT mantle                  
mantle darkT mario  hat  happyD            
no lynch F-F kantor                
mario ToS zero                
happyD prof                  

unless I got ninjad - updated votals

Does anyone else besides Zero think I am mafia? I have a feeling Zero could be on Mantle's team. Maybe that is why he is hesitant to vote for him and is going after me instead.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

yep, so anyway, yeah. Mantle is scum. Vote him. Will explain tomorrow if I live through the night.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
... This is what got us killed in the pokemon round. prof asked you simple questions and you avoided them.

And he avoided mine, as I've proven before. If he had just played fair, this would have been resolved.

He is also lying, because he said that he didn't think I meant shadowspawn, yet he went on to explain that I had a name and he didn't because he is something I'm not, while we all know that shadowling isn't a species in this game.

So, he was playing bait and switch, and trying to mislead town, and should be held accountable by town. Now is not the time to take his side.

You miss the point completely. I'm asking you a question because there is sensitive information. I asked you a question first, you don't just get to flip it and say "why do you want to know". I am not YOUR bitch. Get it?

Explain the bait and switch, right now, utterly and completely, and I will prove you wrong so fast it'll make your head spin.

hatmoza said:
yep, so anyway, yeah. Mantle is scum. Vote him. Will explain tomorrow if I live through the night.

Well that sounds good enough to me.


vote: mantle