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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Evil Overlords:

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theprof00 said:
Lol orgy of lies.
Then ehat about mantle?
He was bang on about all his suspects.
No, the truth is that once someone has died they get completely disregarded. That needs to change. If all the best players get killed early because they are getting too close then town wpnt stand a chance.
At this point, the meta is to kill the obvious foes because town wont think twice.

Prof, one of the reasons I had tabaha in mind was because you had mentioned him, and I remembered some issues from night 2, and I said that.

Yes but i also said be careful.
When everyone is voting and you know its mylo, with 3 mafia you really need to pay attention to more than one player.
i also said for a fact"i forgot about ff, he is scum"
I totally understand you looking at tab because of what i said, but three suspect, carl ff and dt were on tabby.

I dont blame you at all.
I blame stefl fir not doing his job.
This is now, what, 6 games in a row town has lost. That misunderstanding should not have happened.
In fact, when he says he wrote "not just any scum" to us, he left out that he said "pretty much". He knew he was in the wrong. He shouldve done something to fix what could easily be considered a problem.

On top of the fact that even had you lynched noc, another scum, you would have lynched 4 scum in a row and still lost. The teams were unbalanced and stefl modkilled someone over something petty, handicapping town further, and then handicapped us again by letting a player think his tole was something else.
Bad bad bad.

And "There is no indication of the target's alignment; if a Mafia Goon is investigated, they return "Vanilla"." nen was completely spot on.

MYLO/LYLO are very tough to define with multiple factions, but if it was 3V2V2 then even a good lynch(3V2V1) could have resulted in a loss(1V2V1) due to night kills. Which means it was 3V3V1, and so it's important to lynch the larger group and hope for good results from night actions. Now town wouldn't know if Heroes or Overlords started with 4 compared to 2, but they could have looked for connections(3 players all saying lynch Noctis or tabaha) or a lack of connections for the other who shouldn't be lynched yet.

Claim that should have gotten you lynched on the spot notwithstanding, excellent play by DT, especially considering you were essentially on your own the whole time. If it weren't for you, I'd be claiming the MVP for your team.

I don't disagree with a single point. The DT/Carl scan was what made me sure they were town, but I should have considered the possibility of them being bad scans... I never doubted Smeags tbh.

For Stefl, to be completely honest I had a very fun time with this theme and flavor and though I agree there are some flagrant errors in the handling of spurge and smeags, I liked the game and think he made me have fun. I'd understand if you gave him shit, but honestly if he fixes those hickups I would love to play more of his games. It was really a fun flavor and the OP was very interesting (light vs dark, town being dark, day being night), it was very imaginative. If he can only work on those other booboos, it will be great to have him mod again.

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How did you guys seriously consider there were FIVE investigative roles?

Oh and Trucks was a good sport, but "You win with town" is not a wincon. Also, EVERYONE should be privy to the phrasing of town's win condition. Also, not that it was an issue here, but if TOWN is ever renamed as something else due to flavor or whatever reason, all scum should be made aware.

"Oh, how linkz is arsed with his current partner D:" -Stefl
I almost made it work! But like prof, I wasn't listened to after I died. =)

"Your wish is my command, Linkz. Although honestly a guilty scan on [me] would probably have simply helped you instead of hurt us, by suggesting prof is paranoid." -FF
Maybe, but I also had no way of knowing prof would scan scum again.

happydolphin said:

Oh, I misunderstood that question :). Trucks, you shouldn't regret town's vote on tabaha. Your hunch on Noctis was right but we had very little on him he had been too quiet. Tabaha had more of town agreement of his scumminess for two nights consecutive.

Noctis's roleclaim was pure bullshit, I demonstrated that many times.

Signature goes here!

Linkzmax said:
Oh and Trucks was a good sport, but "You win with town" is not a wincon. Also, EVERYONE should be privy to the phrasing of town's win condition. Also, not that it was an issue here, but if TOWN is ever renamed as something else due to flavor or whatever reason, all scum should be made aware.

I agree, I decided not to use it publicly  because it was too close to MINHA territory but it did grant me the assurance that you were scum and that Smeags was town. In my game I shall give out the Vanilla Townie PM in to OP.

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