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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
By the way, extreme HoS on everyone that's claimed "corrupted human" - not only am I a SK that can only kill the "good guys", as it stands I'm also only able to kill some of them (the shadowspawn) - that makes no sense, and suggests that they might be mafia after all.

How are you supposed to win if you can't take out scum?

You know, this is just another hole in Radish's "role".

Thus far we have been believing him to be an SK but let's look at it like this;

1) There was no kills last Night, thus far we have taken this to be because Radish has a delayed kill.

2) He refused to tell us who he killed, this would allow him to kill the person that he supposedly killed the Night afterwards and when there was only one kill that NIght he would be able to pass it off as the mafia being blocked somehow

3) When this failed after losing both Nurse and Doctor, he felt he needed to reveal whoever he supposedly killed. He had the perfect opportunity to do this by saying he killed someone in the group which thus far people were unsure of (corrupted human) and the fact that one of these people had promised to unvote him if he revealed who he killed.

4) He claims the other alignment from his original PM (please note, Stefl was more than happy to let him quote his PM but when Spurge talked about a conversation they had he modkilled him suggesting that Radish's quoting revealed nothing about his role) in order to make himself sound like he had a similar alignment to the mafia and then takes someone he knows to be town and accuses them of being light aligned because his power "didn't work".

5) I get mislynched and then mafia get to choose a free kill toNight because no one is expecting Radish's target to die.

6) Radish supposedly chooses another target and then we have to wait until the Night afterwards to find out if he is really the SK like he says he is.

7) After this night, we either believe that Radish killed the target and mafia was blocked, or that Radish is mafia. Probably the latter

8) Radish is lynched but not before surviving 3 nights during which he is able to cause mislynches and steer people away from the real mafia.

I know I just took off my vote on Radish but after thinking it through I'm going to put it back on.

Vote: Radish

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Carl2291 said:
mantlepiecek said:
Carl claimed he got suspicious of me since I claimed a plain human, but apparently he still didn't know you race.

This is proof that youre a bullshitter that didn't read anything I wrote last time you were throwing around your baseless accusations.

I said you claiming plain human was suspicious... Because around the same time yiu said you thought light = good..

Im corrupt human. Im dark. Im Town. I knew for a FACT that what you were saying, was wrong.

Im not going over this with you again.

This isn't proof I am bser, this is proof that you'r caught.

"Baseless accusations" yeah right.

If you are corrupt human why didn't you recognize hat for what he is?

You are just parroting. You said you were corrupt human and was suspicious of me for that reasoning. You also added that light dark stuff, but that is just hilarious.

You basically parroted both hatmoza and nen, with the same single post.

You are scum and you are caught.

I only said that because the night started and it as a quote seemed to fit haha. There are Humans, Shadowspawn and Gods. This night IS dark, and terrors are certainly on the prowl.

Actually. "The shadows betray you... because they belong to me." - This sounds suspicious. Theres a shadowspawn "race" here and the quote is actually from Bane in TDKR.

If what I said wasn't a very good quote choice, as you said, then what the Hell did you just say?

Im trying to get my head around the cluster fuck that I just read aha. Mornings arent good, before I have my cuppa.

I had a theory last night about there being multiple factions and along with them, multiple variations of race. I just didnt know how to get my thoughts out there.

Im quite suspicious of Mario ond Mantle.


"I am quite suspicious of mario and mantle"


So you say you were suspicious of me because I said dark = scum? Wouldn't I know that light = scum if I was scum? You came into the scene LONG after I said that to be suspicious of me for that reason.

I will hazard a guess; you were trying to press my lynch passively.

If I remember correctly, it was something you said based on your race... Didnt you say you were human? I honestly cant remember that well though.

Im assuming you have the answer. Enlighten me.

This is the answer you gave me when I asked you why you were suspicious...SERIOUSLY?

You don't remember your own suspicions?

Im pretty sure you said firstly, that you thought light = Town and dark = Mafia. You claimed human shortly after. Im corrupted and Town. It made what you said look quite suspicious.

Yeah, and then this.


You are 10000000% scum carl. Town, radish or carl, I don't care. I think radish is bluffing about not being able to target scum, because he wants to stay alive during the night.

Either way, I personally think we shouldn't lynch him, wait for the scum to take him out, and use this oppurtunity to make up the fact that we have completely lost our protection and also our Mr. STRONG power role tracker.

I can't stress how important it is to take out linkz or carl today. Radish is radish, we know he is scum. His lynch will only inevitably reduce one of our nos during the night and we won't achieve anything for that sacrifice.


If we lynch linkz or carl, we are sure to hit scum, and we may also lose the SK. It's a thought guys.

And Noctis, DarkThanatos is sure scum.

His play throughout this game has been indicative of it.

But I have no reason to help the mafia - as a SK I feel more alliance to the town, since I don't know who the mafia are either. That plan would result in my lynch anyway, but it'd just cause the town more problems; that was never my intention.

Your point #4 doesn't work (and therefore #5) because I don't "know" anyone who's town. All that I know is that my power doesn't work on players that aren't "shadowspawn", and so I've either been given the craziest role of all time, or you (along with a few others)'re mafia.

How's this for a plan? We lynch you today, if you're town, I apologise and admit that my role is completely useless. If you're mafia, then I guess we could consider myself to be a super-dangerous version of the cop:

1. I'll only "scan" people if we're sure they're mafia
2. If they are mafia, nothing happens - so we can lynch them
3. If they're not mafia, they die after the next transition phase

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On that note:

Vote: Yoshiya

Yeah, it's a pretty crazy plan, but I only tried to kill him in the first place because I thought he could be mafia. This could help us get a lot of useful information, no matter how he flips.

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Looks like my condition is not for this night only. I can't vote or take any night action for the rest of this round!

In short I'm a tree stump now...which is not so bad seeing i'm acctually a vanilla townie (HA!).

If what radish says about his limitation is true then maybe i was targeted by Radish's nemesis and this is his killing method?

I think Prof is the secound SK btw (ok mafia we'll take one if  you take one)

Radish is a good choice for today...i prefer him over Linkz right now.

Yoshi, Smegs are also two good lynches imo.

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I don't have a nemesis! I made it up xD

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radishhead said:
By the way, extreme HoS on everyone that's claimed "corrupted human"

I said it before and i'll say it again. All humans are mafia with the corrupted human being thier safe claim.

And we probably have only 2-3 corrupted humans out there.

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radishhead said:
I don't have a nemesis! I made it up xD

So this is a mafia role or you really do have a nemesis after all :P

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