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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

Thats fine linkz. You were more a kneejerk reaction. You are pretty consistent id say

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theprof00 said:

Linkz says "It's Minha". This is a big lead folks. Let me explain.

Minha was a round brought to us by none other than FF. In the round, pms were worded in such a way that all the townies received a very particular sentence. It was in just a few days when someone mentioned one of the specific words. For example, "lynch all those filthy mafia", one townie said "filthy mafia", which confirmed to everyone that he was town. It was pm quoting to find results. Others followed the bandwagon, including myself, and within the pm there were enough phrases to confirm nearly all the townies. Mafia quit, I believe.

Back to this case, Linkz is implying that I'm using pm quotes to confirm or deny others, yet fails to realize that the pms are worded differently. According to what the town knows, there are both mafia AND town versions of spawn, ling, human, god. Minha is impossible here, but one lead IS deductive, and that is that mafia cannot possibly know that. Linkz' assumption of MINHA gives a very good hint that he doesn't know the pms are different. I thank him for confirming it for me.

Happy votes linkz for supporting my bs. While I was right, I do agree that linkz really didn't need to be in our discussion, or pointing fingers.

Why'd you leave out my read of mantle as town, or saying I didn't like his lynch?

No, MINHA first stemmed from a nameless VS named argument. While you don't have a proper name, your argument was that happy couldn't be a named shadowling. Otherwise my exclamation makes no sense at all, because you weren't talking about a key phrase or word.

And do you seriously still not know why I was in that discussion? Not to mention that I hadn't pointed a finger.(except for bad play on happy's part) I flat out said I disagreed with you on happy before hat called you both town.

hatmoza said:
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if the scum consisted completely of lackluster players.

F-F, Carl, Smeags, dark, and noctis.

I'd argue I dont fit in with the other 4 here. 

But still- rather lackluster day 1, with little information and analysing in depth before making a decision

then be you - being 100% confident and end up killing the doc.

Just saying. 

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Linkzmax said:

 I'm curious Yoshi, have you claimed a race yet? If you haven't, that's fine for now.

I actually claimed ages ago but no one noticed haha. I thought it would be fun to see how long it took for people to notice. It wasn't like I am anything important anyway, just a corrupted human called Enedyn, no special role to play ;-;

hatmoza said:
Anyways back to business. I know many of you are gonna think I'm just saying this in hindsight but I was very confident mario was either the tracker or watcher.

How many of you have a unique ability to detect your species?

I think Seer was on obvious reference to Tracker or Watcher.(Or even a Cop alias and he was rightfully trying to make scum think otherwise. Would've been the only right play as far as hinting/claiming goes)

Tsk tsk, that's a bad question hat. Especially in midnight.

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Yoshiya said:
I definitely think the theory about the races being split in two is true because I am a corrupted human as well but I am on the side of town. Unless corrupted humans are considered to be Shadowspawn by Stefl of course which is completely possible as they would have come about as a result of the shadow.

Indeed you did. Okay, null lead.

Smeags said:
I think that Mario took a huge risk this night in trying to grab the attention of the light bringers. His early reveal of being God-like, and then creating lists of suspects are two great ways of staying on the radar (I did the exact same thing last time I played). I'm going to guess that he was trying to be the target for Midnight 1... that's the only thing that explained his behavior during Night 1. It was just too big and too early of a push, so it backfired.

But ugh... this is already starting as badly as last time I played. A clean sweep by the Mafia.

It's one thing to try to draw a kill as a vanilla townie. It's downright stupid to try to draw the first kill as a Tracker.

theprof00 said:
Nen what you just said wifom.
Now youre daring someone to visit you?
You and hat, your fates are sealed. Nobody needs to scan pr target you. Youll both be lynched soon.

I dont do wifoms. And i'm daring YOU to come.

Also you ask the cop not to scan me, but still you can't lynch me.

hatmoza said:

I just wanted zero gone.

How do you guys do this ?! I swear if Zero flipped scum i would be to embarssed to post in this thread again.

Hell prof handed me the win last round and still he called the town bunch of idiots >_<

hatmoza said:
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if the scum consisted completely of lackluster players.

F-F, Carl, Smeags, dark, and noctis.

This thought crossed my mind....more than once now.

Linkzmax said:
nen-suer said:

I'd really like him to start a lynch train on me to blow it sky high. Want me dead ? Better pay me a personal visit :)

I assume "him" is me? No, if zero flipped scum then I'd be all over you. As it is, I lean that you are not scum that tried to get townie points by trying to protect a semi-claimed town power.

Ah, sorry.....i meant prof.

And yeah you assume right.....i claimed first (or made it obvious) what i'm and where i stand before Zero did.

TruckOSaurus said:
When did bus driver become a regular role for scum? I thought that after it's first use, most everyone agreed that it was an overpowered role for Mafia and that we shouldn't use it anymore but now we're acting like it's a common occurrence that we should always be wary of.

Prof is just trying to manipulate the night actions.

Hopefully town roles wont be affected and think for themselfs....hopefully.


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nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:

I just wanted zero gone.


How do you guys do this ?! I swear if Zero flipped scum i would be to embarssed to post in this thread again.


TruckOSaurus said:
When did bus driver become a regular role for scum? I thought that after it's first use, most everyone agreed that it was an overpowered role for Mafia and that we shouldn't use it anymore but now we're acting like it's a common occurrence that we should always be wary of.


Prof is just trying to manipulate the night actions.

Hopefully town roles wont be affected and think for themselfs....hopefully.




I have no sense of shame.


I think it's safe to say prof has lost his marble.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Yoshiya said:
I actually claimed ages ago but no one noticed haha. I thought it would be fun to see how long it took for people to notice. It wasn't like I am anything important anyway, just a corrupted human called Enedyn, no special role to play ;-;

A Vanilla human huh?

Well seeing that mafia are humans you claiming a vanilla townie doesnt make me trust you at all.

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