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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 46 - Realm of Darkness

DarkThanatos said:
mantlepiecek said:
radishhead said:
I swear we've only had the lie detector role once in all the mafia games I've played :k Nonetheless, I'm town, so it wouldn't be such a bad thing if there was one

@Mantle: Why would you straight-up rfuse to take a lie detector? I don't believe there is one either, but you may as well, just to help the town

Out of all the people that voted so far, are any of you at least partly serious about your votes (bar maybe Final-Fan; I'm not looking to put out my no-lynch vote until a bit later)

It doesn't help at all. I don't want this to happen every game, and the best way to see to it it doesn't happen is by not co-operating.

Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

I was talking about the lie detector since that is what was aimed at me by radish.

Having a lie detector =/= going around asking for 18 people's alignments.

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radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

Why are you against no-lynches?

I am simply amazed that you are asking this question to a new player.

Yoshiya said:
Spurge has a three day ban so how is that going to work out in the context of this? Seems unfair to modkill him for inactivity ofc since he can't come on at all.

That rule was for the previoius game. This one doesn't seem to have such strict modkill rules.

Hello carl how are you?

DarkThanatos said:
radishhead said:
DarkThanatos said:
Are you talking about the lie detector or the no-lync vote? 

I know I'm new- but surely having a lie detector is always usful for townies?

I can understand that no-lynch at the start would be a bit pointless though

Why are you against no-lynches?

I'm not against no-lynches :P Later on in the game i think that it can definately be a useful tactic- but at the start of a game this big, i think we need a kill to get the ball rolling 

A useful tactic later on in the game?

Explain a scenario where this seems possible.

Around the Network
zero129 said:

Really?, is the any reason at all why you are voting for me atm?.

At first i thought this was a joke but after reading a few more replys im not so sure??.

He's reaction fishing ;)

Vote: Kantor

You, you won't fool me this time. I've got my eyes on you. Even in the darkest nights, you will not blend in the shadows against me, I see the night. mwahahahaha

mantlepiecek said:
radishhead said:
Why are you against no-lynches?

I am simply amazed that you are asking this question to a new player.

I understand that you've decided to only ridicule posts that I make, but I'm amazed that you don't appreciate the importance of asking players questions to see their responses - new players or not. 

Why are you afraid of Thanatos answering my question?

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radishhead said:
mantlepiecek said:
radishhead said:
Why are you against no-lynches?

I am simply amazed that you are asking this question to a new player.

I understand that you've decided to only ridicule posts that I make, but I'm amazed that you don't appreciate the importance of asking players questions to see their responses - new players or not. 

Why are you afraid of Thanatos answering my question?

Well, as I see it there isn't much of a chance a new player would answer this question in a satisfying sort of a way.

Also I wasn't ridiculing you. I was amazed. I think my stance is further supported by thanatos here answering your question.

mantlepiecek said:
Well, as I see it there isn't much of a chance a new player would answer this question in a satisfying sort of a way.

Also I wasn't ridiculing you. I was amazed. I think my stance is further supported by thanatos here answering your question.

I'm pretty sure my stance is supported by Thanatos answering the question - proving that it is a question that could be answered by a new player, and now we've learnt information about his stance on no lynches. 

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
mantlepiecek said:
radishhead said:
Why are you against no-lynches?

I am simply amazed that you are asking this question to a new player.

I understand that you've decided to only ridicule posts that I make, but I'm amazed that you don't appreciate the importance of asking players questions to see their responses - new players or not. 

Why are you afraid of Thanatos answering my question?

As for the afraid part, I wrote that post after thanatos answered your question.