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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kane and Lynch / Crossfire / Eternal Sonata coming to ps3


all 3 suffered from the never announced disease.  they most likely caught the illness from Assassins creed which was thought to be ps3 exclusive when infact it never was.....

i saw that eternal sonata had been posted on the boards


but i didnt see anything about the other two. 

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sweet good news for ps3

"Rule of thumb Hassan. U Can't kill the MESSIAH"-Kane Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun

Bioshock is next.

Doom-and-gloom... Is this bad news for the PS3 becuase it's not exclusive?

"The PS3 is receing no new exclusive games so it is gonna fail."

This news ROCKS. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Seems most Sony fanboys are jumping up and down at the sign of any good news no matter how small (look at Hus and Kwaad here). MS fanboys are being somewhat more sane for a moment and pointing out they were never exclusive and the PS3 has lost far more important exclusives (although fanboy petition aside apparently Sony fanboys suddenly all hate DMC anyways). The rest of us are left to ask what the heck are these games and why should we care they are even being made much less care what systems they are on. Seriously Kwaad, if this is something worth getting that excited about the PS3 is in more trouble than I thought.

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albionus said:
Seems most Sony fanboys are jumping up and down at any good news (looking at you Hus, and Kwaad whenever he decides to post here). MS fanboys are being sane for a moment and pointing out they were never exclusive and the PS3 has lost far more important exclusives (fanboy petition aside apparently Sony fanboys suddenly all hate DMC anyways). The rest of us are left to ask what the heck are these games and why should we care they are even being made much less care what systems they are on.

 Well, Eternal Sanata was towrd the top of the x-box 360 want list. Now I can get it on my PS3 without an exclusive.

Other other two seem like intresting games. Could be a big hit. Seems similar to Riddick.

I played the first DMC. I didnt like it much. Never even played any other devil games. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Sorry about the differences in the post kwaad, editing is unsurprisingly a bit slow on my Wii.

Nah, it's nothign amazing. Just 1 reason not to buy the 360. (I want one, so reasons to buy it are good. Reasons not to, are bad)

And the other two look like they *could* be fun.

I'd rather Eternal Sanata than Halo3 personally. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

albionus said:
Seems most Sony fanboys are jumping up and down at the sign of any good news no matter how small (look at Hus and Kwaad here). MS fanboys are being somewhat more sane for a moment and pointing out they were never exclusive and the PS3 has lost far more important exclusives (although fanboy petition aside apparently Sony fanboys suddenly all hate DMC anyways). The rest of us are left to ask what the heck are these games and why should we care they are even being made much less care what systems they are on. Seriously Kwaad, if this is something worth getting that excited about the PS3 is in more trouble than I thought.

I'm sorry if you don't know anything about Kane and Lynch.  It's made by the same guys that did Hitman.  If you watch this video here you'll notice that it was originally announced as a 360 and PC exclusive.  It features co-op play both offline and online, and stars 2 anti-heroes that should make for a nice plot.

It's not as exciting as say...Mass Effect, Bioshock, Too Human (maybe), and some others would be, but it's a nice edition and a good sign of further support from IO and Eidos.  Btw, the screenshots look pretty sweet.


 see the "only on xbox" in the left corner.