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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you

has probably performed the "Stone Cold Stunner" on someone before

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is actually correct....

This thread was ruined ages ago. That posting about yourself thing.... posers. I was the first to do that and was called an "egotistical maniac" by a mod for it. I wear that name proudly now.

^Seems to love how Zidane gave that Italian a headbut!^


Zidane is a great man. The headbutt was fun to watch, but I was fan of him before all that ever happened. Besides, who cares about those dirty Italians anyway.....I kid, I kid, nothing against Italy. Oh, and if my info is correct, starcraftmaniac is a little brat when compared to most of the older guys here. How old, 14?  I wish I could be 14 again, if only for a short while.

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get stuck at metroid prime 2! I can pass that damn last boss either! Too many bosses, too little energy tank

^Will never finish Metroid Prime 2

Likes Reggie too much. Right about his comment. I will never saw MP2 ending because that f*ng damn bosses.

diamuerto said:
Zidane is a great man. The headbutt was fun to watch, but I was fan of him before all that ever happened. Besides, who cares about those dirty Italians anyway.....I kid, I kid, nothing against Italy. Oh, and if my info is correct, starcraftmaniac is a little brat when compared to most of the older guys here. How old, 14?  I wish I could be 14 again, if only for a short while.

15 ... But why am i a little brat then?!... I don't believe my posts are more dull then yours?!