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Forums - Sony Discussion - The ten year decline of Sony (article)

AbbathTheGrim said:

That guy is always posting anti-Sony, don't try to sugar-coat this. The moment he tried to turn something positive about Sony into something negative by trying to create an argument, when none was meant, he did the spninning.

If Turkish would have said, "Oh Sony has more assests so they are DOING GREAT!", then that guy could have kicked in and pointed out why he was wrong but that wasn't the case, he just tried to crap all over Sony once again.

One doesn't have to be a frothing-at-the-mouth Sony hater to be negative about all this, all that takes is a realist.

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This is the main problem of Sony. It reminds me to the PIGS economy problems, too much debt, too little profit to pay those debts.

Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

This thread has derailed.

Stepping aside from Turkish and Kowenicki's discussion, it's really hard to believe how bad was/is the management at Sony.

Yes, the engineers have authority, so what? They can't do anything without money and that money comes from the bosses.

How does Sony operate? I mean, most "normal" companies give their divisions a X amount of funds for their projects for the whole quarter or fiscal year. If they need more they don't just spend it, they ask their bosses if they can have it and why, and then the bosses decide.

In my opinion, if Hirai wants to succeed with their plan the first thing he has to do is take out the control of the money from engineers/divisions and have just 1 group of people control them all, under the supervision of the chairmans. And if someone doesn't agree with that vision or doesn't want to work like that... well, the doors are open.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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Turkish said:
Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

No, he thinks that you spin. And most people agree.

Kynes said:
Turkish said:
Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

No, he thinks that you spin. And most people agree.

Kynes said:
Turkish said:
Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

No, he thinks that you spin. And most people agree.

And thats why AbbattheGrimm and Dgc have been defending me with arguments rather than accusing me.

Turkish said:
Kynes said:
Turkish said:
Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

No, he thinks that you spin. And most people agree.

And thats why AbbattheGrimm and Dgc have been defending me with arguments rather than accusing me.

Two people don't make a majority. You are known in this and other forums, some people will defend you, but most people won't, and it's known what are you going to say about anything Sony related before you express it.

Some time ago I thought you were paid to do this work, but now I'm sure that you should do all by yourself, no one could do community manager job this badly and get paid.

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Kynes said:
Turkish said:
Dgc1808 said:
This is funny. Turkish simply made a size comparison and even acknowledged that SONY isn't doing well and for some reason he's getting flack for it? I don't see the spin in that post. I really don't.

Thanks for seeing that, a lot of bias here. And even someone trying to defend kowenicki and BLAME ME for spinning. That post of kowenicki was really not needed. I perceive it as a personal attack, does he think I can't read?

No, he thinks that you spin. And most people agree.

Speak for yourself.


OT : I hope kaz can change the mentality there and make sony to profit, they need to learn from the mistakes they make.

Some Sony fans are going to defend him, of course. That's why I said most people.