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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why Do You Loathe Apple Anyway? Apple Hate is TOTALLY Out of Control!

Okay, first, I know I made a pretty negative thread about Apple Store support recently, however, I still love my iPod Touch and my MacBook Pro.

There has always been a pretty heavy bias against Apple and it's products in this site, however, it's become absolutely ridiculous these days. I know most of you aren't very happy with the trial's veredict, but it's totally unfair to downplay Apple's products. They are good, efficient and users love them, we are not a bunch of "Mindless Sheeps" for buying their products. I just love the way they function and flow.

Why does everyone dislike Apple so much? Please, keep this civil.

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Yeah. Apple is way better than PieceofCrap. *Troll Face* (Don't freak people, I'm kidding.)

Seriously, though, I don't get it either. I loved my MBP (I will never forget you, my poor MacBook!) and I really like my iPod.

-overpriced hardware, iphone 4s 650 euroz, samsungs galaxy s2: 370 euros, 300 euros less for a comparable phone with a bigger screen.

-iOs looks outdated compared to ICS and latest Windows phone.
-Apple patents things that existed for a very long time, like Magsafe, it was used by the Japanese but Apple patented and their fanbase things its an Apple invention:


i'd actually consider myself a fan of apple overall, i am very pleased by my iphone. that said, i'm not happy with the verdict of the trial or with apple. i'm all for invention and ip but everything i've seen would indicate to me apple is out of line.

I guess people just buy it because of the name regardless of price

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
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yeah i mean why hate a company that charges literally hundreds of dollars extra for a product that is inferior to its competition? i mean why hate them from steeling idea's and suing everybody else for the idea's they stole to create a monopoly? or why hate them for controlling your product as they wish and limiting it after you paid hundreds of dollars for them? i see no reason to hate the company at all...

Personally, I don't really hate them, just not much of a fan. I think their stuff is cool (always wanted a macbook air ) but it's usually way overpriced. I always end up buying a whole bunch of other cool stuff with the money instead.

In general, I think it's mainly cuz they're really popular, happens all the time with popular stuff. Other possible reasons: overpriced, bad business practices, annoying PR, their fans

I don't hate Apple but will give them slack for following:

iTunes - when I had iPods (2003-2006), iTunes was absolutely the worst sync software ever invented. It's gotten better since but still sucks compared to good old drag and drop.

iPhone - Was revolutionary in 2007. Hasn't changed much since. Limited screen size and navigation bores the crap out of me.

All those PC vs Mac commercials - how could you not hate them for calling 95% of computer users idiots.

Overall smugness that the company projects - granted, much less since Steve Jobs left our world.

I could make a similar list for why I like them though and they are a very important company for technology.

They are responsible for pushing Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Asus, Intel and rest to do cool consumer things and charge less money. How could you not like them for that?

kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
yeah i mean why hate a company that charges literally hundreds of dollars extra for a product that is inferior to its competition? i mean why hate them from steeling idea's and suing everybody else for the idea's they stole to create a monopoly? or why hate them for controlling your product as they wish and limiting it after you paid hundreds of dollars for them? i see no reason to hate the company at all...

so dont buy the products, why hate them for that?

maybe the part about suing other companies over nonesense patients and idea's they didnt even create part? you know that does hurt the industy and every other company out there? plus there arrogance is just plain annoying

1) Apple is like a dictator and forces you to use their products (when you want to use any of them individually), including hellish DRMs.
- This is the same thing that MS got sued for all across the world, yet Apple gets away with it.
2) Apple's products cost FAR more than they are worth. More than competing products with same quality and generally better features.
- They are not high end... just polished to look shiny. I can get any product they build for less with better components and equal or better software.
3) Apple's business practice is always about crushing the competition using channels that are not native to the marketplace. This latest verdict is exactly that.
- When Apple was new and small Jobs specifically said they steal others innovations, now they sue the shit out of everyone based on US horrid patent system for software. MS is just as guilty of this with their general ancient patents on base UI functionality.

For me, 1 and 2 have always kept me from buying an Apple product where there are simply better options out there. 3 is why a loathe them as a company.
