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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony will be unfairly called copycat again when PS4 arrives

S.T.A.G.E. said:
FrancisNobleman said:
Oh, and about kinect back in 2006:

Kinect was originally a project from a Israeli company, which presented the tech to Nintendo in 2007 and they got a "no thank you", and then they presented it to microsoft, which embraced it as the "saviour" against the motion control war.

Nobody in Microsoft or Sony, was thinking in motion controls before the Wii came out. Of course everyone can twist this story.

Sony came out with the Eyetoy which was camera/motion controlled a gen before Nintendo, so yeah. Sony was the first to the dance but as usual their marketing sucked.

Sega released the Dreameye (a webcam for the Dreamcast) in 2000 in Japan, and there were plans to release games for it, but the Dreamcast's untimely death prevented this ... Meaning Sega was years ahead of Sony.

Besides that, there were signs that Sony and Nintendo were both working on producing accessable games with the N64, Playstation, PS2 and Gamecube but were having difficulty getting much success with conventional controllers. In reality it is difficult to say that anyone was really "ahead" of anyone else, Nintendo achieved the success they did because they were far more willing to break with convention to capture the market.


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joeorc said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

The Move is something a little more the Wiimote. Its read through the camera and fully controls 3D space. The Wii mote was the answer to helping Sony realize how to properly control the third dimension.

before the WiiMote was even in development we are talking about a time line of over a year here, the Move software was already being developed for spatial volume of depth of coordinate mapping. The use of a sphere is not a shocker, and the Wii even with the Motion + adapter is still missing one key element to offset sensor drift , which the Move does indeed contain. The fact that Sony already demonstrated tracking a sphere with the eyetoy in a 3d volume of space and did it well, showed that indeed they were well aware of the direction that they needed to go. Like i said the WiiMote turned side way's and the Move turned side way's shows the direction on how each company viewed Motion control's. On one token even though the Move was more accurate than WiiMotes even with + the Wii Mote could serve as a mini game pad to control games with, something the Move was not designed to do.

The sensor bar provides information for M+ to correct drift. It contains ten infra-red LEDs in two rows of five, with the outer two LEDs in each row pointing outward. The apparent size, distance between, and viewing angle of these LEDs, allows the wiimote camera to capture information about relative position, roll and yaw. Move NEEDS a magnetometer, because a camera cannot possibly report the rotation of an unmarked spherical light source - only its X/Y position in the frame, and Z-axis changes perceived via the apparent size of the glowing ball, much like the sensor bar LEDs (yes, Wiimote can handle the Z-axis).

Don't forget, accelerometer / gyros-based devices are essentially stupid. They make calculations based on comparing new data with what they did last, which is how drift can happen. Move and Wiimote+ simply demonstrate different ways of tackling the same problem.



The dreameye did have a couple games for it but it NEVER had anything to do with motion control. It was just a webcam. If there's any information out there that says otherwise i would really like to see it. It's annoying to see it constantly brought up in these kinds of debates when it's completely irrelevant.

I just smh when people mention nintendo's courage and willingness to do something different with the wii. They sold a measly 22 million consoles last gen. If they tried to compete for the core market again they would have been slaughtered. They had nothing to lose.

Also the wii mote tech is near identical to an existing product released 2 full years before the wii so it makes nintendo fans look pretty foolish when they complain about sony.

room414 said:

The dreameye did have a couple games for it but it NEVER had anything to do with motion control. It was just a webcam. If there's any information out there that says otherwise i would really like to see it. It's annoying to see it constantly brought up in these kinds of debates when it's completely irrelevant.

I just smh when people mention nintendo's courage and willingness to do something different with the wii. They sold a measly 22 million consoles last gen. If they tried to compete for the core market again they would have been slaughtered. They had nothing to lose.

Also the wii mote tech is near identical to an existing product released 2 full years before the wii so it makes nintendo fans look pretty foolish when they complain about sony.

I don't know who is responsible for that device, but I challenge you to find PR statements from Nintendo which shit-talk the device, its creators, and the necessity of such a thing, before doing a complete about-turn and claiming theirs is better.


It's not unfair when it's the truth.. Are you honestly going to tell me that the Move is NOT a carbon copy of the Wiimote, simply because it has a blue glowing light bulb at the end of it? I mean christ, does it need to be the exact shape and color of the Wiimote for you to recognize this?

I am 100% positive Sony will have a tablet controller for their PS4, judging from their track record.

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Wait.....are you saying that Sony doesn't copy?

First, they borrowed Microsoft's system & features.
Second, in an attempt to make a Halo killer they released the obvious try hards Haze & Resistance.
Third, After seeing how curse filled Gears was, they made everyone in Killzone become a foul mouthed bastard.
Fourth, they borrowed Tomb Raider, and changed its name to Uncharted (partially kidding)
Fifth, they borrowed Super Smash Brothers, except none of the good parts.
Sixth, Mario Kart Planet

Thats not even getting into half of it.

Gnac said:
room414 said:

The dreameye did have a couple games for it but it NEVER had anything to do with motion control. It was just a webcam. If there's any information out there that says otherwise i would really like to see it. It's annoying to see it constantly brought up in these kinds of debates when it's completely irrelevant.

I just smh when people mention nintendo's courage and willingness to do something different with the wii. They sold a measly 22 million consoles last gen. If they tried to compete for the core market again they would have been slaughtered. They had nothing to lose.

Also the wii mote tech is near identical to an existing product released 2 full years before the wii so it makes nintendo fans look pretty foolish when they complain about sony.

I don't know who is responsible for that device, but I challenge you to find PR statements from Nintendo which shit-talk the device, its creators, and the necessity of such a thing, before doing a complete about-turn and claiming theirs is better.

I don't think nintendo would want to draw attention to the little known product they were ripping off.

room414 said:
Gnac said:
room414 said:

The dreameye did have a couple games for it but it NEVER had anything to do with motion control. It was just a webcam. If there's any information out there that says otherwise i would really like to see it. It's annoying to see it constantly brought up in these kinds of debates when it's completely irrelevant.

I just smh when people mention nintendo's courage and willingness to do something different with the wii. They sold a measly 22 million consoles last gen. If they tried to compete for the core market again they would have been slaughtered. They had nothing to lose.

Also the wii mote tech is near identical to an existing product released 2 full years before the wii so it makes nintendo fans look pretty foolish when they complain about sony.

I don't know who is responsible for that device, but I challenge you to find PR statements from Nintendo which shit-talk the device, its creators, and the necessity of such a thing, before doing a complete about-turn and claiming theirs is better.

I don't think nintendo would want to draw attention to the little known product they were ripping off.

And Sony did, which is why threads like this happen.


Gnac said:
room414 said:
Gnac said:
room414 said:

The dreameye did have a couple games for it but it NEVER had anything to do with motion control. It was just a webcam. If there's any information out there that says otherwise i would really like to see it. It's annoying to see it constantly brought up in these kinds of debates when it's completely irrelevant.

I just smh when people mention nintendo's courage and willingness to do something different with the wii. They sold a measly 22 million consoles last gen. If they tried to compete for the core market again they would have been slaughtered. They had nothing to lose.

Also the wii mote tech is near identical to an existing product released 2 full years before the wii so it makes nintendo fans look pretty foolish when they complain about sony.

I don't know who is responsible for that device, but I challenge you to find PR statements from Nintendo which shit-talk the device, its creators, and the necessity of such a thing, before doing a complete about-turn and claiming theirs is better.

I don't think nintendo would want to draw attention to the little known product they were ripping off.

And Sony did, which is why threads like this happen.

Sony hurt your feelings.


NIntendo's jump to motion controls


Sony's jump to motion controls

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