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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global Hardware + Software up! Week Ending Aug. 18th! - New Super Darksiders 2!

curl-6 said:
PakChiuCheng said:
lol at publishers still making RPG exclusives for the Wii instead of the PS3. Xenoblade, and now Last Story. When will publishers finally wake up from their reverie.

Xenoblade couldn't have been done on PS3, to create that world in PS3 level graphics would have taken forever and costs several fortunes. It really only exists because of the Wii's lower development costs. 

It made financial sense to make them for Wii rather than PS3.


oh please, who said it had to be done with PS3 level graphics? ANd who said it would take forever? There are many open world games on PS3 that look better than Xeno and it didnt take them forever to make

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I was hoping for better for Darksiders 2, but then I am overly optimistic lol. Surprised that Sleeping Dogs didn't sell better.

@TheVoxelman on twitter

Check out my hype threads: Cyberpunk, and The Witcher 3!

xLeftyx said:
Call of Duty is a beast. I just do not see these kind of numbers replicated on the Wii U; 4m at best, I reckon. Kingdom Hearts 3D looks to be slated to break handheld numbers. KH3's resurgence in the home platform is imminent.

From a userbase of 0?

Unlike the 360/PS3 versions, the WII U version will have time and fps exclusivity (as close to exclusivity), so while its got potential for these reasons, issues like online frastructure and ignorance about Wii Pad controls will seed some doubt.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
xLeftyx said:
Call of Duty is a beast. I just do not see these kind of numbers replicated on the Wii U; 4m at best, I reckon. Kingdom Hearts 3D looks to be slated to break handheld numbers. KH3's resurgence in the home platform is imminent.

From a userbase of 0?

Unlike the 360/PS3 versions, the WII U version will have time and fps exclusivity (as close to exclusivity), so while its got potential for these reasons, issues like online frastructure and ignorance about Wii Pad controls will seed some doubt.

4m was rather a generous prediction. We all know shooters have never really done well *on Nintendo platforms ever since Xbox came out. Doubt will always be there against Nintendo.


oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
PakChiuCheng said:
lol at publishers still making RPG exclusives for the Wii instead of the PS3. Xenoblade, and now Last Story. When will publishers finally wake up from their reverie.

Xenoblade couldn't have been done on PS3, to create that world in PS3 level graphics would have taken forever and costs several fortunes. It really only exists because of the Wii's lower development costs. 

It made financial sense to make them for Wii rather than PS3.


oh please, who said it had to be done with PS3 level graphics? ANd who said it would take forever? There are many open world games on PS3 that look better than Xeno and it didnt take them forever to make

Why make it on PS3 without PS3 level graphics? I sincerely hope that a HD version of Xenoblade with graphics well below usual PS3 standards would still be successful based on its great gameplay and world, but people are awfully graphics-centric these days, and expect a lot from PS3 games visually.


Yes, the PS3 has open world games, but building every texture and model in Xenoblade's world to the graphical standards of those games is just financially unviable. Monolith is a relatively small company, and even if they got funding from Sony to make it on PS3, a new IP JRPG is extremely unlikely to recoup the massive costs.

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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
PakChiuCheng said:
lol at publishers still making RPG exclusives for the Wii instead of the PS3. Xenoblade, and now Last Story. When will publishers finally wake up from their reverie.

Xenoblade couldn't have been done on PS3, to create that world in PS3 level graphics would have taken forever and costs several fortunes. It really only exists because of the Wii's lower development costs. 

It made financial sense to make them for Wii rather than PS3.


oh please, who said it had to be done with PS3 level graphics? ANd who said it would take forever? There are many open world games on PS3 that look better than Xeno and it didnt take them forever to make

Why make it on PS3 without PS3 level graphics? I sincerely hope that a HD version of Xenoblade with graphics well below usual PS3 standards would still be successful based on its great gameplay and world, but people are awfully graphics-centric these days, and expect a lot from PS3 games visually.


Yes, the PS3 has open world games, but building every texture and model in Xenoblade's world to the graphical standards of those games is just financially unviable. Monolith is a relatively small company, and even if they got funding from Sony to make it on PS3, a new IP JRPG is extremely unlikely to recoup the massive costs.

Tell that to Ni No Kuni developers, that games visuals blows away Xenoblades and i pretty sure its not hurting their wallet. Hell tell that to just about anyone who made a JRPG for PS3. You really dont need to max out PS3s power to get a game that looks good, you sure as hell dont need to make it out to blow away anything on the Wii, thats not a jab at the WIi it just is what it is. For comparison's sake look at Sonic Colors versus Generations. Generations blows it away and its not even get close to what PS3 can do

oniyide said:

Tell that to Ni No Kuni developers, that games visuals blows away Xenoblades and i pretty sure its not hurting their wallet. Hell tell that to just about anyone who made a JRPG for PS3. You really dont need to max out PS3s power to get a game that looks good, you sure as hell dont need to make it out to blow away anything on the Wii, thats not a jab at the WIi it just is what it is. For comparison's sake look at Sonic Colors versus Generations. Generations blows it away and its not even get close to what PS3 can do

Geez dude, it's irrelevant. Monolith Soft is a Nintendo dev team. NINTENDO MADE XENOBLADE, and what's more, they made it over two years ago. Under no circumstances could it possibly have been developed for PS3.

The Last Story wasn't developed by Nintendo, but it was published by them in Japan and Europe. If you want to know why PS3 isn't getting awesome JRPGs like these, maybe you should ask Sony why they aren't offering support to smaller developers like Mistwalker.


On-topic, New Super 2 fulfills its destiny by becoming 3DS's sixth million-seller. I wonder what will be seventh? Kingdom Hearts has the most momentum right now, but seems like it's going to fade and won't hit a million until the holidays. DQM got pretty close, but its sales have slowed a lot. Pokémon Rumble and Kid Icarus will probably both get a Holiday boost to a million. It could to be a tight race.

Also: did anyone else notice that Vita's American sales were lower than its Japanese sales this week? I know it's mostly because of Obon, but still... Now it's Europe > Japan > America, and all three are awful. Yikes, Sony...

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
PakChiuCheng said:
lol at publishers still making RPG exclusives for the Wii instead of the PS3. Xenoblade, and now Last Story. When will publishers finally wake up from their reverie.

Xenoblade couldn't have been done on PS3, to create that world in PS3 level graphics would have taken forever and costs several fortunes. It really only exists because of the Wii's lower development costs. 

It made financial sense to make them for Wii rather than PS3.


oh please, who said it had to be done with PS3 level graphics? ANd who said it would take forever? There are many open world games on PS3 that look better than Xeno and it didnt take them forever to make

Why make it on PS3 without PS3 level graphics? I sincerely hope that a HD version of Xenoblade with graphics well below usual PS3 standards would still be successful based on its great gameplay and world, but people are awfully graphics-centric these days, and expect a lot from PS3 games visually.


Yes, the PS3 has open world games, but building every texture and model in Xenoblade's world to the graphical standards of those games is just financially unviable. Monolith is a relatively small company, and even if they got funding from Sony to make it on PS3, a new IP JRPG is extremely unlikely to recoup the massive costs.

Tell that to Ni No Kuni developers, that games visuals blows away Xenoblades and i pretty sure its not hurting their wallet. Hell tell that to just about anyone who made a JRPG for PS3. You really dont need to max out PS3s power to get a game that looks good, you sure as hell dont need to make it out to blow away anything on the Wii, thats not a jab at the WIi it just is what it is. For comparison's sake look at Sonic Colors versus Generations. Generations blows it away and its not even get close to what PS3 can do

Well to be fair, it came out an entire year before the PS3 on the DS so it is technically a sequel (or a remake (I haven't played either so take your pick.)) They took a chance by making a game that would have development costs low and to test how well the popular studio Ghibli faired in its videogame foray. Your comparison for Ni No Kuni is like saying Epic Mickey the power of 2 is a new IP while negelcting its lower costing predecessor.

don't waste time

3DS FC 4914-3563-4510

NNID : turtuls

oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
PakChiuCheng said:
lol at publishers still making RPG exclusives for the Wii instead of the PS3. Xenoblade, and now Last Story. When will publishers finally wake up from their reverie.

Xenoblade couldn't have been done on PS3, to create that world in PS3 level graphics would have taken forever and costs several fortunes. It really only exists because of the Wii's lower development costs. 

It made financial sense to make them for Wii rather than PS3.


oh please, who said it had to be done with PS3 level graphics? ANd who said it would take forever? There are many open world games on PS3 that look better than Xeno and it didnt take them forever to make

Why make it on PS3 without PS3 level graphics? I sincerely hope that a HD version of Xenoblade with graphics well below usual PS3 standards would still be successful based on its great gameplay and world, but people are awfully graphics-centric these days, and expect a lot from PS3 games visually.


Yes, the PS3 has open world games, but building every texture and model in Xenoblade's world to the graphical standards of those games is just financially unviable. Monolith is a relatively small company, and even if they got funding from Sony to make it on PS3, a new IP JRPG is extremely unlikely to recoup the massive costs.

Tell that to Ni No Kuni developers, that games visuals blows away Xenoblades and i pretty sure its not hurting their wallet. Hell tell that to just about anyone who made a JRPG for PS3. You really dont need to max out PS3s power to get a game that looks good, you sure as hell dont need to make it out to blow away anything on the Wii, thats not a jab at the WIi it just is what it is. For comparison's sake look at Sonic Colors versus Generations. Generations blows it away and its not even get close to what PS3 can do

But none of them are as vast and sprawling as Xenoblade while using the same style. Games like No No Kuni and Generations can get away with less thjan cutting edge graphics because of their art style. I agree as far as art transcending tech power goes, but to keep Xenoblade's style you wouldn't be able to rely on the kind of simple textures Sonic uses, you would have to build detailed ones, not to mention the shaders and models to go with them. Expand that to everything in Xenoblade's gargantuan world and you'd need a lot of time, a lot of people, and a lot of money to pay them all over that time. Monolith's no behemoth like Square Enix, and even if they did get the funding from somewhere, and spent ages making it, would a new IP and a JRPG in this day and age make enough money to justify the costs? Almost certainly not. 

Nice week, particularly for 3DS and PS3 on both HW and SW and for XB360 on SW.

NSMB2 is the strongest, and while its launch was big compared to most non-Mario games, but appalling in Japan compared to NSMB DS, in Europe its launch is 40% bigger than NSMB DS. Advertising worked well.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!