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Forums - PC Discussion - Ubisoft: PC piracy rate around 95%, F2P is the way forward

How big does his *sshole needs to be to pull out that big a percentage?
Oh wait. Don't tell me.

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I never thought piracy rate on PC was 93-95%. I know there are countries where it is probably that level or more (China). The real number is probably around 40-60% for most PC games.  They could go the Blizzard route and require you to log onto something akin to bnet. Not sure if there is a work around on that but it would probably be a lot harder considering you are logging into their servers. Always online DRM pisses off some of your customer base though. DRM usually just pisses off the paying customer while the person downloading it illegally isn't even bothered with it considering it is removed. I assume you can play an illegal copy of Diablo 3 on single player just perhaps not multiplayer (not sure).

Alot of people are gonna call this out as not true but its likely a figure very close to this.

Simply go to any torrent site and see how many millions of downloads games get.

Hey I fully support PC gaming and understand why people pirate but if I was a developer I wouldnt go near th PC market with a 10 foot pole. As much as PC gamers try to downplay it Piracy is rampant and a huge problem.

And I pretty much agree with him F2P is the future of PC gaming


Piracy rate is at least 50% I guarantee you that. Which is already too much.

Then again Im old school I guess. I buy my music and dont illegally download it. I buy my movies and dont illegally download it. I buy my games.

If someone else put time and effort into making something I shouldnt get it for free unless they willingly give it to me for free. They should be compensated for their work.

Most pirates will argue it has to do with consumer rights and such but to be frank it doesnt. It has to do with someone wanting something for free. Pirates are hugely holding the industry back and in the long run only damaging the industry and themselves


Piracy rate is at least 50% I guarantee you that. Which is already too much.

Then again Im old school I guess. I buy my music and dont illegally download it. I buy my movies and dont illegally download it. I buy my games.

If someone else put time and effort into making something I shouldnt get it for free unless they willingly give it to me for free. They should be compensated for their work.

Most pirates will argue it has to do with consumer rights and such but to be frank it doesnt. It has to do with someone wanting something for free. Pirates are hugely holding the industry back and in the long run only damaging the industry and themselves

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95 percent piracy rate means 19 faux copies for every real one (sold).

That just sounds like way too much.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


BenVTrigger said:

Piracy rate is at least 50% I guarantee you that. Which is already too much.

Then again Im old school I guess. I buy my music and dont illegally download it. I buy my movies and dont illegally download it. I buy my games.

If someone else put time and effort into making something I shouldnt get it for free unless they willingly give it to me for free. They should be compensated for their work.

Most pirates will argue it has to do with consumer rights and such but to be frank it doesnt. It has to do with someone wanting something for free. Pirates are hugely holding the industry back and in the long run only damaging the industry and themselves

In a free market if a service has no buyers whatsoever then something is wrong with it. Trying to add restrictions and laws to stop it won't work and it'll only make matters worse. Imagine libraries being restricted because someone wants to rent books for a fee. If people aren't inclined to pay for your service, then the problem lies with you and you alone. 

I'm sorry, but as much as I like games, if a service is financially unsustentable then it's going to cease to exist.






sethnintendo said:

 I assume you can play an illegal copy of Diablo 3 on single player just perhaps not multiplayer (not sure).

There are Bnet emulators for WC3, SC1, SC2 and for WoW that let you do multiplayer, so Diablo is possible. There's just no point because items only have value on the main server.

Piracy presumbly exists for F2P games in the same way, it must be possible to make a LoL server with all the champions and items unlocked. Not seeing how F2P means 0% piracy.

BenVTrigger said:
Piracy rate is at least 50% I guarantee you that.


So then. When a PC game sells 1 million. That means it's had a player base of around 95 million.


He either must have been misquoted, misspoke... or think people are idiots.