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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%

I bet you, like the Gamecube and the Wii before it, only one or two good games will release at launch, and most games will release withing the next 1.5 years. So I expect Fall 2013 to be the year of the Wii U.

Hopeing for something good from Retro Studio's

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$350 with/without game

JGarret said:
^ what does the 'U' stand for anyway?

Without joking the "U" means "you", as the "Wii" means "we", Nintendo said that at last year E3 when the system was announced, extremely chessy and stupid IMO

Nintendo and PC gamer

Michael-5 said:

I bet you, like the Gamecube and the Wii before it, only one or two good games will release at launch, and most games will release withing the next 1.5 years. So I expect Fall 2013 to be the year of the Wii U.

Hopeing for something good from Retro Studio's

It makes a lot of sense, and it´s in Nintendo´s interest, that the Wii U has a superb Fall 2013, if only to try and steal some of the next Xbox/PS4 thunder.

Retro is definitely the one to watch.

Vita fans over these news:

We're on the verge of the greatest Troll war the world has ever seen... the Revenge Wars

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its just a name, who cares?

well, yeah, but i think what they learnt with the 3DS "failed" launch was more about having a strong sw library from day one
imo 350$ is still affordable enough, and could be sold at a decent profit from day one
i personally would buy it even at 400$ pricepoint with no game bundled.....but thats just me, cause im a Nintendo fanboy..:P

VicViper said:

We're on the verge of the greatest Troll war the world has ever seen... the Revenge Wars

Pretty much the 3ds all over again.

DieAppleDie said:
its just a name, who cares?

well, yeah, but i think what they learnt with the 3DS "failed" launch was more about having a strong sw library from day one
imo 350$ is still affordable enough, and could be sold at a decent profit from day one
i personally would buy it even at 400$ pricepoint with no game bundled.....but thats just me, cause im a Nintendo fanboy..:P

lol yeah I hate the name but I will still buy it at pretty much any price :p

Nintendo and PC gamer

If the world does en in Dec 2012, I am going to be SOOOOOOO PISSED!

-Release date: October 28th or November 18th (US)
-299.00 with some minigames packed in.
-Black and White available.
-39.99 Wii U Controller Pro.
-Some Nintendo Network functions available. Others during 2013.
-Nintendo Land, NSMBU and Ninja Gaiden 3 (published by Nintendo) at launch. First Party content.
-Assassins Creed 3, ZombiU, Madden, Fifa, Mass Effect 3 at launch. Third Party content.
-Lego City for December. First Party.
-Rayman Legends for December. Third Party.
-No WiiRemote plus with the console.
-No new announcements (that's for Japan Fall conference).

-Wii Fit U Dec 2012 or March 2013.
-Pikmin 3 Feb 2013.
-P-100 Feb or March 2013.

There you are. No need to wait for Sep 13th.

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