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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%
Nsanity said:


So, does it mean that they are going to steal the show from Nintendo and announce it today?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Nintendo Japan confirmed a Nintendo direct too

Now there'll be one everywhere!

Love the Majora's Mask reference! ;)
Seems like Nintendo is going bashh the news on all 3 contents in one day, I don't think they ever done that before...

@Nsanity: Does that tweet meant for tomorrow or was a mistake?

And yes, one day to go, lads! XD

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

I'm still not on the train!

NOJ is having a Nintendo Direct? Hours before the North America one too?! Damn Thursday is going to be one hell of a day! This will actually be one conference I'll be able to catch!

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

Around the Network
lilbroex said:
I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

So you're saying we should make another thread, then have two threads, so we can keep everything in one place.


Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

Crono141 said:
lilbroex said:
I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

So you're saying we should make another thread, then have two threads, so we can keep everything in one place.



No I'm saying we should make another thread when the time comes then only use the new "clean" one by itself and forget this one.  If you used logic, then maybe you wouldn't be so confused all of the time.

spurgeonryan said:
lilbroex said:
I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

Yeah it is being kept here. Because this is the conference thread. Once it starts it will all be here.O_o Like Smeags E3 thread and other big news threads. I do not think there is a Nintendo direct thread yet though. You should make it.

I don't like official threads. I wouldn't make one of my own. The clutter is what I have a problem with. I would rather wait until the event then make a fresh one for it.

lilbroex said:
Crono141 said:
lilbroex said:
I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

So you're saying we should make another thread, then have two threads, so we can keep everything in one place.



No I'm saying we should make another thread when the time comes then only use the new "clean" one by itself and forget this one.  If you used logic, then maybe you wouldn't be so confused all of the time.

If you used logic, you'd know that still doesn't make any sense, because everybody would still be looking to this thread and posting news in this thread as well.  So by opening a new thread, you'd have 2 threads on the same subject with overlaping but not necessarily complete information being posted in each.  Whereas if you have only one thread with the OP getting updated, everything is in one place.  You go from depending on everybody who's interested in the topic deciding collectively to abandon this thread and go to a new one, to depending on one guy to update the OP of the thread that's already open.

This is how logic works.

Check out my Youtube Let's Play channel here.

Crono141 said:
lilbroex said:
Crono141 said:
lilbroex said:
I don't like official threads. They get so big that its hard to keep track of everything. We should just make a new thread when the conference actually occurs so everything will be kept in the same place pretty much.

So you're saying we should make another thread, then have two threads, so we can keep everything in one place.



No I'm saying we should make another thread when the time comes then only use the new "clean" one by itself and forget this one.  If you used logic, then maybe you wouldn't be so confused all of the time.

If you used logic, you'd know that still doesn't make any sense, because everybody would still be looking to this thread and posting news in this thread as well.  So by opening a new thread, you'd have 2 threads on the same subject with overlaping but not necessarily complete information being posted in each.  Whereas if you have only one thread with the OP getting updated, everything is in one place.  You go from depending on everybody who's interested in the topic deciding collectively to abandon this thread and go to a new one, to depending on one guy to update the OP of the thread that's already open.

This is how logic works.

No, that is not how logic works. That is how it is executed. You cannot control the people but you can point the way.