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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Conference Thread - WII U = 11/18 - $299.99 ($349.99 Premium)! MoHun 3 Ultimate coming in March!!! :D Bayonetta 2 Wii U exclusive!!

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Is your body ready!? Have you purchased your hype train tix yet!?

Hell the fuck Yeah!!! 256 72.73%
I'm still skeptical... 92 26.14%

Hyping is bad

Around the Network
lilbroex said:
Hyping is bad

No it ain't.

Now either purchase a ticket and get on the train or be cast out into exile!

Get N or get out!

Pavolink said:
Viper1 said:

It's a 6 hour event.   There is certainly going to be more than just what you've described.

And I can list you plenty of times developers ahve stated they wanted to say moree about something but were not allowed to. Notice how even games that we know for a fact that are coming to Wii U don't get listed in the advertisements.    DarkSiders II and Assassin's Creed III don't list Wii U on theiir ads (print or commercial).

Basically the NDA on all kinds of stuff is lifting very soon.

I hope so. E3 gave us only Scribblenauts and ME3. Remember that this is only a NY event, not the overall Wii U conference. That's why COD as the only confirmation is the more probable case, and won't be a dissapointment as seems will be focused only on the launch and launch window, like E3.

I believe something like Fall Conference from last year will happen for the Wii U, but in Japan with Iwata.

Actually, I'm not expecting all the reveals to come from either of those 2 but from the 3rd parties themselves.  As I said, there are several, and I mean several, NDA's set to expire very soon...around the time of the event.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:

Actually, I'm not expecting all the reveals to come from either of those 2 but from the 3rd parties themselves.  As I said, there are several, and I mean several, NDA's set to expire very soon...around the time of the event.

Thinking about it, that's the most probable escenario. Thankfully TGS is around the corner. I'm interested to know Capcom support.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

My body is ready!! count me in the hype train!!!




Around the Network
pariz said:
I am very interested yet not hyped.

I'm on the same boat (or wagon?) as you.

I want to know more about it to see if I finally get caught by the hype or not.

Viper1 said:

Actually, I'm not expecting all the reveals to come from either of those 2 but from the 3rd parties themselves.  As I said, there are several, and I mean several, NDA's set to expire very soon...around the time of the event.

You're such a teaser

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:
per1 said:

Actually, I'm not expecting all the reveals to come from either of those 2 but from the 3rd parties themselves.  As I said, there are several, and I mean several, NDA's set to expire very soon...around the time of the event.

You're such a teaser

That's all I'm legally allowed to do.


And I think that means I just did it again.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Tried to get this vid to embed but it's not working... So let's try this again:


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Why won't it work!?

Ah, a little hometown 90's flavor.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Viper1 said:

That's all I'm legally allowed to do.


And I think that means I just did it again.

Legally? are you under a NDA?! Oh god! The hype! THE HYPE!

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile