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Forums - Website Topics - Tags for Forum Members

Dolla Dolla said:
I wish ioi would implement tags and animated avatars. For shits and giggles.

It would be fun though I fear the tag that Stof would give me.

Animated avatar's I'm a little ambivalent on. If you could host your avatar somewhere else and the file size was limited so page loading wasn't horrible I think it would be nice.


ecurbj - Multiple - Personality - Disorder

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Is there a possibility of me getting a tag?

(Although I'm not well known)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
__XBrawlX__ said:
Is there a possibility of me getting a tag?

(Although I'm not well known)

__XBrawlX__ - Forum Cop and Nintendo Nerd

and where is mine?!?!?

i need tagz too


Around the Network
mesoteto said:
i need tagz too

Thatmax said:
and where is mine?!?!?

Oh... these ones are easy:

mesoteto - "OMG !!!!!!! CATZ !!!!!!!"

Thatmax - kat + drugz = lulz

^ and i wont let it die b/c its @#$%&@ funny


mesoteto said:
^ and i wont let it die b/c its @#$%&@ funny


I want to get into this tag action.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

quarashi said:
I want to get into this tag action.

quarashi - Mr. Pillowpants, Hobbies: Gaming & Drinking (not in that order)