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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ex Darksiders 2 Developer Says Wii U Is A ‘$400 Xbox 360 Seven Years Late’

Ex Darksiders 2 Senior UI Designer, Xander Davis, has spoken to Not Enough Shaders about working with THQ on Darksiders 2, and what he thinks of Nintendo’s forthcoming console Wii U. Here’s Davis’ unedited thoughts about the system


.“I’ve not worked on any Wii U version of anything (luckily).  But, y’know, I very early on raised my major concern about this.  Anybody buying any Wii U game that’s a port is probably buying it almost exclusively and specifically for how it can play differently through the Wii U’s alleged innovated UI.  I’m already a known skeptic on whether the interface paradigm is at all anything but idiotic.  But if you’re gonna do it?  Fine.  Then, you HAVE to do it right.  You HAVE to innovate on the UI.  You HAVE to enhance game mechanics and gameplay in a MATERIAL way that justifies all the hassle and a $400 Xbox 360 seven years late.”

“I can’t comment on THQ / Vigil specifically.  However, just in general, I doubt any studio or publisher is truly giving it the kind of proper UI design and thinking it deserves.  Hell, apparently this is a huge leap for regular triple-A console releases.  From what I’m hearing from people who have actually played a Wii U as recently as a month ago, the games pretty much suck and the tablet is pretty much a complete gimmick.  Still tethered, not wireless.  Maybe publishers can pull off something clever.  But won’t it just kind of be clever for a little bit, then not really worth your $60 dollars and just annoying afterwards?  Kinect comes to mind.  PlayStation Move comes to mind.  Motherfucking Wii comes to mind.  But, sure, we’ll have to wait and see…  I can’t comment on specifics.  I can only speculate, but as a UI Designer applying experienced critical thinking to game mechanics UI and the Wii U tablet, none of it makes sense to me to truly add value to gamers, even if you try.”


That is an unfortunate point of view 

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innovation is idiotic an the eyes of the non creative minds!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

he's sure more creative than any of us here. Developer's words are the most legit ones in this industry. We should always listen carefully to what they have to say.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

People are allowed to have a differing opinion.


ghettoglamour said:
he's sure more creative than any of us here. Developer's words are the most legit ones in this industry. We should always listen carefully to what they have to say.

he clearly is biased (I mean stating he is lucky not to have worked on anything WiiU?). if your not open to new forms of thinking in developer environments then you do not have a creative mind, you just stay with what you know which is not part of being "creative". Talking about something you have no idea how it works as if you do is non professional way of doing things so i don't see how anyone can take this "developers" words seriously!

I can also come up with stories that make the WiiU sound crap or very good but that still doesn't prove anything.

and sorry do you know everybody on this site to actually say he is more creative than anybody here? I'm not saying i am but there might be others who are even though we don't know who they are right?

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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ghettoglamour said:
he's sure more creative than any of us here. Developer's words are the most legit ones in this industry. We should always listen carefully to what they have to say.

Unless they have an axe to grind. He comes accross as a bit of an axe grinder in that interview.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Roma said:
ghettoglamour said:
he's sure more creative than any of us here. Developer's words are the most legit ones in this industry. We should always listen carefully to what they have to say.

he clearly is biased (I mean stating he is lucky not to have worked on anything WiiU?). if your not open to new forms of thinking in developer environments then you do not have a creative mind, you just stay with what you know which is not part of being "creative". Talking about something you have no idea how it works as if you do is non professional way of doing things so i don't see how anyone can take this "developers" words seriously!

I can also come up with stories that make the WiiU sound crap or very good but that still doesn't prove anything.

and sorry do you know everybody on this site to actually say he is more creative than anybody here? I'm not saying i am but there might be others who are even though we don't know who they are right?

Obviously  I don't know everybody here, but I doubt there are elite developers here who worked on triple A games. So he sure has to be VERY creative and competent at his job so he can even get the chance to work at that level.

And only because he thinks that the innovation the WiiU comes up with is crap it doesn't mean he isn't open to new ideas. I'm not saying he's right, although I think kinda the same way, I'm only saying his opinion is very respectable, just because of what he's accomplished.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

ghettoglamour said:
he's sure more creative than any of us here. Developer's words are the most legit ones in this industry. We should always listen carefully to what they have to say.

He's not a dev. He was a temporary emplee that got fired for incompetence and now he is bosted his Xbox fanboyishness while slamming the Wii to get some name recognition.


Also, This has been posted.

I mean seriously, it was two topics downs. If I had even remotedly double posted something like this ,exept it spoke ill of Sony, this thread wouldn't have stayed up 30 seconds.

an Xbox360 without Nintendo's games!? think again!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

what more can i say?