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Forums - Sony Discussion - "Tearaway" - New Media Molecule Vita EXCLUSIVE Announced! - Updated with TRAILER

Very cool. Best reveal of the show for me.

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Chandler said:
scream @ my Vita in public

Unless you're 4 years old.

This is definitely going to be a day one buy. This looks really fresh and innovative, especially the touch controls. I can't wait to see more.

Galaki said:
Chandler said:
scream @ my Vita in public

Unless you're 4 years old.

Which is not really the Vitas target audience...

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Looked fantastic. I was intrigued what MM were working on.

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Interesting game design. Does everyone have the same white fingers tho? Serious question. Does the game take a pic of the person's fingers to make sure its realistic?

The game good, but I'd like to see MM do a more adult game, the games they do are good and imaginative l, so I'd like to see what they can do if they make a RPG or something on them lines.

Nevertheless this does look like it could be a game to buy for my vita!

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

this looks incredible...the MM boys just never disappoint...this game looks like pure class!

superchunk said:
Interesting game design. Does everyone have the same white fingers tho? Serious question. Does the game take a pic of the person's fingers to make sure its realistic?

Lol, I thought this same exact thing when I saw the trailer. If it does take a picture of your finger, that would be pretty neat. :O

This game reminded me of when I was little watching Pinwheel on the original Nickelodeon.  I'm not ashamed to admit that my eyes were welling up with tears that's pretty silly of me I guess.  Many of the little shows had the same aesthetic as this game.  It made me really happy.