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Forums - General Discussion - Syrian Rebels execute pro Assad supporters in public

It's just sectarian violence now, not Arab Spring inspired any more.

Supporting a side with arms (and Iran supporting the other side) is a repeat of every conflict the US has since WWII.

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The power of propaganda... This video is meaningless, only simple minds would cloud their judgement with such instrumental crap.

FattyDingDong said:

Rebels kidnapped the man and then started shooting him. It's all in the video.  But i warn you it's disturbing. 

The reason why I am posting this is because I am sick and tired of my country(US) supporting these terrorists.  I am not saying that Assad is an innocent angel. But Christians are better of living under Assad than radical sunni Islamists. We should stop funding and supporting these murderers.

Video below.  

I thank you for actually speaking some actual logic. The rebels now are just anThank extension of al Qaeda, which the US supports ironically. And worst of all, people still don't see that! They're making the Bashar look like a saint ffs! And it's not just affecting Syria, but the whole region (me being Lebanese). I'm fucking sick of all this bullshit!

I ll be leaving this page ... no good can come from it - sheep will be sheep.

kopstudent89 said:
FattyDingDong said:

Rebels kidnapped the man and then started shooting him. It's all in the video.  But i warn you it's disturbing. 

The reason why I am posting this is because I am sick and tired of my country(US) supporting these terrorists.  I am not saying that Assad is an innocent angel. But Christians are better of living under Assad than radical sunni Islamists. We should stop funding and supporting these murderers.

Video below.  

I thank you for actually speaking some actual logic. The rebels now are just anThank extension of al Qaeda, which the US supports ironically. And worst of all, people still don't see that! They're making the Bashar look like a saint ffs! And it's not just affecting Syria, but the whole region (me being Lebanese). I'm fucking sick of all this bullshit!

I think Lebanon is the third or fourth domino.  Depending on how things go, it'll surely get swept up in the chaos.

And if Israel really does go and attack Iran, it's a wrap.

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@OP, you are such a pathetic lier. You should be ashamed of yourself. Let me guess, you are either a supporter of Assad, or a supporter of Romney trying to undermine Obama with pure lies and making use of the fact that your fellow citizens don't understand Arabic to be able to confirm what's in the video.

Guys, the video is an execution of an Assad's militia man (Shabbih), whose name is "Mohammed Memet". I did not know that Christians name their sons Mohammed.

Long time lurkers making use of their accounts to post on this thread... good job, Fatty!

sarmad said:


@OP, you are such a pathetic lier. You should be ashamed of yourself. Let me guess, you are either a supporter of Assad, or a supporter of Romney trying to undermine Obama with pure lies and making use of the fact that your fellow citizens don't understand Arabic to be able to confirm what's in the video.

Guys, the video is an execution of an Assad's militia man (Shabbih), whose name is "Mohammed Memet". I did not know that Christians name their sons Mohammed.


No I am simply mad at my country for supporting these barbarians. How are you gonna explain the second video? make another excuse? go ahead. 

And let me guess. You are probably a sunni arab muslim.  no there is nothing wrong with that. but im guessing you are because other wise why owuld you support the actions of these murderers? 

I trust no one, not even myself.

The OP is incorrect, after reviewing the uploaders history he's subscribed to a different channel.


THe same video is posted on their channel (previously) and it states a pro assad civilian being executed.  Now I'm not saying it's right because this is still messed up, but it has nothing to do with christians (so it seems).


I didn't understand much from the second video, but in the first one the camera man is saying "execution of the Shabiha" or something similar. Shabiha is used to describe armed men in civilian clothing who assault protesters against the regime of Bashar Al-Assad.

So, I think they were taking revenge from him or something. But revenge or not, this is still violent and very inhumane, especially the second video.