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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where's the outrage when Nintendo ripoffs Sony?

Ajescent said:
Not sure if serious...

While  probably not...

It does have a point honestly.

The only differnece is that once again, like Nintendo with the Wii-Mote...

Nintendo is FORCING that change.   Rather then leaving it as an option that will probably die by the wayside.


EDIT: And for the Sony prototype motion controller.   Actually watch the demos.  To claim Nintendo ripped off Sony with those motion controls is like claiming The inventor of the fork Ripped off the spoon, so it's no big deal that the spoon guy created the spork.


(In otherwords,  Sony's motion controls were very basic and had pretty much no signs of what the MOVE became.  Nearly everything about the Move as it is didn't release until after the Wii Mote proved to be REALLY popular.)

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I'm sorry- there may be a legitimate point to this thread, but in the way it's currently presented it's just trolling or flamebait. Make a serious thread about this topic if you wish, however.

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