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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hideki Kamiya does not like PlayStation All Star Battle - Claims its a rip off that throws morals away.

Lol damn didn't know he was so strong worded. Tough he only responded to the questions he didn't seem to rant.

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davidd_err18 said:
I think "rip off" is a strong word, but well... it was heavily inspired by Smash bros.
Anyways, that doesnt mean it will be a bad game (I havent played it yet :O so i cant make a judge), it will probably be a really competent fighter and fun (at least thats the impression i get from the people playing the beta :)). Everybody wins, probably Sakurai will try to compete with this game (and all the past Smash games) to make the overall better brawler and we fans can rejoice! (and then, if this game is succesful, Sony will make PSASBR 2 and it will be better, etc etc)

Overall, more games like Smash bros is a good thing :)

i agree

Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
RolStoppable said:
Xxain said:
@ Sal

my post vanished

Changed is a bad word, more like altered

did TMNT smash up take this much heat?

No, because there was nobody willing to defend it.

Yeah... it was pretty much....

"This game is a ripoff."

"Yep, but TMNT is cool, hopefully it doesn't suck".

"It has Raphael as a super hero from the newest movie."

"uh oh...."

And out of a cast of 16 characters, fucking 4 of them were Rabbids! 25% of the cast of this so-called "ultimate TMNT game" weren't even from the damn series!

That's right, I totally blocked that out.

ChadOkada said:

I don't think Mr. Kamiya really cares about this game or any games in general.  It's possible that by making these comments he gets free publicity for P-100. I would imagine that with so many titles releasing this fall this is a way to make the rounds on all the big video game sites and get name recoginition for his new game.  Much like how the Fez developer got his game free publicity. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is what this feels like because it's really random.

Nah, i'd say it's 100% the opposite. 

This isn't random at all.  It's a content creator getting upset over an IP Ripoff.

It'd be like asking Metallica if they get pissed off that Aerosmith's music gets pirated.

Most likely they do because they think/know the same thing does/can  happen to them.

i have no problems with rip offs, but at least admit it is one haha. Does not hurt to copy a sucessful franchise.



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Just for those tweets, Kamiyama is now my favourite bloke. I bet if I sent him a message of appreciation, I'd get an hilarious bad-tempered reply.