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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hideki Kamiya does not like PlayStation All Star Battle - Claims its a rip off that throws morals away.

He should lay off a bit. Sony is so desperate to have at least some kind of 1st party success they're not ashamed to see what works for the competition and derive from there. They're character base just isn't that popular though is all

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Nsanity said:

People needed Hideki Kamiya to tell them that PlayStation All-Stars was a rip-off? anyway:

One thing's for sure... it won't surpass that theme.

Not even the next Smash will.

I like this man. I hope Nintendo acquires PG, very good studio with integrity. And I actually don't care that Sony develops something similar to Smash Bros. but the degree of similarity is staggering. The physics of PSASBR looks completely identical to SSBB. And I mean completely. The jumps are exactly as floaty, the very short delay after the impact of attacks, the way the characters fly away after that. Double jumps are also not really helping in changing this perception. LBP Karting has own imagination behind it but PSASBR is really blatant. They are approaching Mole Kart / BlockShift territory with this.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

it's not like my following example and i think the game was a good idea but just imagine mercedes would build a ferrari rip-off "because mercedes fans wanted one". it would be still a bad joke if mercedes would say such a sentence. so, just because fans want something shouldn't mean companies have to do that even if it is a huge rip-off or whatever but i see not much wrong in this case. i still wouldn't be really proud to be a programmer fo that game

I don't think Mr. Kamiya really cares about this game or any games in general.  It's possible that by making these comments he gets free publicity for P-100. I would imagine that with so many titles releasing this fall this is a way to make the rounds on all the big video game sites and get name recoginition for his new game.  Much like how the Fez developer got his game free publicity. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is what this feels like because it's really random.

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It's a rip-off And I don't think it will do very good... Just what I think!

RolStoppable said:
I will now buy P-100 for sure.

I just preordered :D Wouldve bought it anyway but well, he sealed the deal.


Also, this

Sony already admitted it so there is really no battle to fight here.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Kamiya dropping truth bombs on everybody.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

P-100 is from this guy?

High hopes for that one! The first (and already mega-epic) level was impressive. Imagine the last.

Kamiya is the man :P

I like his one liners like "I know", "Use your own brain!" and "Whatever" xD. By the way, I didn't even know what P-100 was until this thread which made me search for that on YouTube. Looks fine I guess but not my kind of game. Neither is PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale, heh.

You can see many of Kamiya's "funny" tweets in this thread:

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P