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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

gigantor21 said:
^ I can't see it.

Fixed. I guess that route is a bad one to link a picture. Good to know.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

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New magic Berserker. Is this literally just one new spell or a new school?

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This for revive the thread... I liked a lot this screennn... but is a left hnd though... :/


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anyone still playing this??

from time to time yes, but not extensivly because as long we don't get new interesting spells i don't have something to look/work forward to. new enemies are nice but not enough though.

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0815user said:
from time to time yes, but not extensivly because as long we don't get new interesting spells i don't have something to look/work forward to. new enemies are nice but not enough though.

Same here. It's fun, but the game doesn't offer a lot of replay value overall. It's not the kind of game I can go back to again and again.

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