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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

I have yet to play the demo, and based on my schedule I probably won't get to play it before the actual game releases. With that said, I'm keeping my pre-order for the incentives. I should find time to play it when it drops. I looked at videos for months and those were more than good enough to convince me to purchase it.


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ktay95 said:
am playing right now if anyones up for a game, btw M.U.G.E.N i grinded to get Treefiend Blood (S) 3stars and that was a bitch. but i wouldnt call the drops rare when their garenteed with good skills

True, the mud fiend stuff aren't exactly rare. It just had certain conditions to be met. I should have worded it better

btw are you talking abouttreefiend entrails? Or is Treefiend Blood a spell too?

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

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Treefiend Blood is a Mudfiend Entrails and Treefiend Entrails combined... thats why grinding it is a bitch, especially to 3stars

ktay95 said:
Treefiend Blood is a Mudfiend Entrails and Treefiend Entrails combined... thats why grinding it is a bitch, especially to 3stars

Wait seriously? I don't see that item showing up in my fuse section tho :S

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

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lol sorry its actually its actually Treeifiend entrails, sapling root tri and festerbloom leaf to make. but yeah Treefiend blood is real.

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ktay95 said:
lol sorry its actually its actually Treeifiend entrails, sapling root tri and festerbloom leaf to make. but yeah Treefiend blood is real.

hehe yeah I guessed so...I can imagine what treefiend blood does..must be like the normal blood attack but with poison

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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its actually just a Treefiend entrails that shoots out poison aswell (and can turn, not sure if entrails does that or not)

ktay95 said:
its actually just a Treefiend entrails that shoots out poison aswell (and can turn, not sure if entrails does that or not)

ooh that sounds so much better. And nope entrails doesn't turn, which is kind of annoying. One match online what me and my team did was one of them had the treefiend so he used it and I would go and use my stone golem (at the time I only had that) from the other side. It did some major damage and cereb had little room to move in. was epic

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

woot!! beat cerberus another two times; one to get Namir and had to timesand too make the Mudfiend; the shield tactic you guys recommended made the fight so much easier!!!

now how do I get the treefiend entrails? the only one I'm missing to get the treefiend blood

yeah we got 3 Treeifiends to trap the cerb in a corner once, was hilarious to watch