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Forums - Sony Discussion - Soul Sacrifice Official Thread! Prepare to be sacrificed... ( 3 free DLC packs detailed )

Sooo... is this game difficult?

Perhaps a little....Soul's difficult? :P

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Wagram said:
Sooo... is this game difficult?

Perhaps a little....Soul's difficult? :P

Well the demo makes it really difficult to beat the last boss they give you. The game has some difficulty, but not Soul's level difficulty. It is more Monster Hunter like in combat, but faster. Levels seem pretty small and I'm not sure how wider scope they become. It is really fun though.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

whilst somone is connecting you cannot click ready as a measure to stop a game starting with somone mid way through connecting

Damn 590 on cerb? I guess it's possible. "Light damage" ~100, misc. counters, weaknesses, cursed parts ~200, black rite 80, then I guess it depends on speed. Good job though.

Chev, ktay, mind if I add you guys tonight (EncodedNybble on PSN)

of course u can add me, hopefully we can get some parties going when the game launches.

incase anyone wants to know the main story lasts roughly 20-30 hours

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anyone up for some Soul Sacrifice, going to be on for the next 2 -3 hours

This game is so good it hurts. I finally beat Cerberus, the fight lasted around 40  min (!) but it was the perfect balance between hard and rewarding.

I'm having a blast playing with the demo, If anyone want to play add me psn: seuzmg

Btw, does anyone knows if there is some spell/magic rare in the demo? I don't know, maybe a rare drop from Cerb or Harpy

3DS FC :  4339 - 3326 - 7693. Add me :) Nickname Tin

wow did you solo cerb, 40mins is long. i will add you, and no there isnt anything of a real rarity in the demo

I think there are some items that drop only if you finish a mission on a Legendary Sorcerer ranking. Got the material needed to make the tree fiend through that

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am playing right now if anyones up for a game, btw M.U.G.E.N i grinded to get Treefiend Blood (S) 3stars and that was a bitch. but i wouldnt call the drops rare when their garenteed with good skills