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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: PS Vita projects being moved to Wii U


Gimme Gimme Games

Rumor has it that the PS Vita’s floundering at retail has both helped and damaged developer perception of whether they should make games for the Wii U.

Some people are said to be worried about the Vita struggling and fear the Wii U will meet the same fate. They might think it would be better to keep making games for current consoles with bigger user base where there is more money guaranteed, at least at first.

This is a fear for every console launch so I don’t see this as that bad for Nintendo.

The bigger part of this rumor is that some Vita games are getting moved over to the Wii U. At first I thought this was an odd choice for someone to make but given how poor Vita hardware/software sales are and with no end in sight it does make some sense.

Since both the PS Vita and Wii U Game Pad are almost identical (except the Wii U controller having clickable analog sticks and four shoulder buttons) I’m sure porting over existing Vita projects are incredibly easy.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this means we see a lot of Vita + Wii U eShop multi-platform releases.

But this is a rumor for now so don’t take it to heart even if it sounds like it could prove true.

-3DS XL/NSMB is being considered a 3DS “re-launch” for America
-After the new design gets its time in the sun, Nintendo will feel comfortable talking about the future of the Wii U.
-Some rather impressive non-port titles are coming in the next 365 days. Some spin-offs and ports, too. But there are original titles there.
-Vita dying a slow sales death is convincing some publishers to stay off Wii U (due to an expectation of being able to port between) and getting some publishers to consider moving Vita titles to Wii U.
-Nintendo retail reps are talking to stores to give Wii U a big retail presence – big demo units, prominent placement, and training workers to explain why the controller is like an iPad with buttons.

The source of this rumor also details how New Super Mario Bros 2 and the 3DS XL is a “relaunch” for the 3DS platform in North America and how Nintendo plans to represent the Wii U with game demo kiosks in retailers nearing release.

If you thought people stealing Wii Remotes around Wii launch was bad just wait until you see how many Wii U Game Pads are torn from the tether at stores across the country this holiday!



Around the Network

Be careful. Negative news for Vita is being taken as personal assaults.

OT: Makes sense. Both have similar touch screens and exclusives from 3rd parties are really at an end for the most part. Seems like a smart decision if other rumors about WiiU being relatively easy to port to.

Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

you are dreaming if you believe the WiiU will reach the level of failure the Vita has...

on topic
absolutely plausible

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Exile1987 said:
Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

lol wow at the level of trolling in this post. Bravo!

DieAppleDie said:
you are dreaming if you believe the WiiU will reach the level of failure the Vita has...

well look who is, where there is vita bashing the turds will follow

Wii u is nintendo's desperation to be a poor man's apple ipad

(annoying isn't it being an ill informed twit)

Best Vita doom thread yet. Half of a bullet point from a post on neogaf. 

superchunk said:
Exile1987 said:
Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

lol wow at the level of trolling in this post. Bravo!

that's what VGChartz is now a bunch of morons saying anythign about what they don't like


so fine, Wii u will cater for 8 year olds with ADHD and who count in potato's

Exile1987 said:
superchunk said:
Exile1987 said:
Your source is some bloke on neogaf.. good job

Why on earth would developers move from one "failed" console too one which will be dead on arrival?

or is this more of a port issue? as the wii u will be same power / level slightly weaker than vita?

lol wow at the level of trolling in this post. Bravo!

that's what VGChartz is now a bunch of morons saying anythign about what they don't like

Not really. Its about reporting stuff people may find interesting, both positive and negative. Bad part is people who take things personal and get all childish.