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Forums - Sony Discussion - How bad is the PSV really doing vs the PSP? (actual numbers within)

superchunk said:
small44 said:

People is who make a game a system pushers or not even if a developper spend billions dollars of marketing and people are not interest i the they won't succeed.

You said psvita don't make good number because it's lack of unique games but it's not true what you said because not unique games in psp and in psv sold better then unique games.

Why you camplain about lack of unique games in psv when you didn't buy your ps3 for unique games like Flow?


I bought my Wii for Nintendo games.

The Wii didnt' get good 3rd party games so I decided to buy a 2nd console.

I chose the PS3 for Uncharted, bluray, and free internet play. All three were unique features including a specific game. Basically those three things were greater in importance to me than 360's unique Gears of War and the fact that all my friends have one.

People buy hardware largly for a set of unique games and/or features. PSV at this point doesn't have this unique set of games/features that justify the higher price. However, the AC bundle that includes a 4GB memory card goes a long way to approaching that. Though I don't think home console knock-off games will be a big system pusher.

Pokemon's main games only come on portables for a reason. They'd sale great on the home consoles, but Nitnendo is smart enough to keep them only on the portables in order to create demand for that hardware.

Monster Hunter was the same thing for the PSP and likely will be for the 3DS.

PSV doesn't have THAT game yet, if ever. Sony themselves don't seem to get that and have yet to make a game like that on PSP or PSV. All their games are side quests to their home console games. They need a unique and high quality IP that is on portables only.

I did not understand you one time  you say the psvita has no unique games and once you say yes it has but they are not system sellers.
You said youwas buy a wii because of Nintendo's first party games but this games are no longer unique because there's a dozen of episodes in the series.

You think  Uncharted  are unique and   Gravity  Rush  and Sound Shape Escape Plan are not unique!!!

Assasin Creed on PSP sold 1 million copies in a periods where the PSP was dead from the software side people was loosing the interest in any games in PSP Quality or not.

Monster Hunter is also not unique and has started the series on home consolesso it is a console like games but it sold very well.
Gravity Rush  is a great unique games and high qualities but was sold poorly and consoles-like game like Uncharted sold much more better.

Sony should do nothing it's the peoples who should change theirs view about Sony handheld i don't know maybe he is jealous that episodes of popular series released on  handheld rather than on home consoles or the investing money for handheld should had used to create more games in ps3 or ps4.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

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If it was a smartphone it will be already dead you really think Sony can compete with Samsung and Apple in this domain.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

small44 said:

If it was a smartphone it will be already dead you really think Sony can compete with Samsung and Apple in this domain.

They already do with Xperia line directly and the PSV indirectly. I have another thread on that from months ago. Hit up my profile->posts->my threads to find it. Don't really want to derail this thread with that idea.

As for our games discussion. I don't think you really understand my point. There are many unique games on every console, but only a few that create a sustained demand to buy the hardware.

Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Mario, etc all did that for Wii. Wii Play, Wii Music did not yet they were both very unique.
Pokemon, Nintendogs, Brain age, etc all did that for DS.
Monster Hunter did that for PSP.

Sure there are other games that sale well and add extra want for the console like Mario Kart or various 3rd party titles. But you have to have exclusive big demand games to really push the hardware and Sony hasn't really ever created that for their portables. That's a big flaw for them and a big reason people largely can't buy a $250 Vita.

The games like AC and CoD launching on Vita this holiday, IMO, are not these types of titles because they are basically side quests/ports of their far bigger in demand home console games. Just like Pokemon Colliseum and simlar large battle games on Nintendo home consoles never do as well as the main Pokemon series on the Nintendo portables.

Vitas failing because theres only one game worth getting on the thing.

Sony just can't make a unique popular games because people are not interest in this games it's not the fault of Sony but peoples fault like you you want unique games in psvita but you not buy them?.

You said peoples are not interest  in consoles like games in sony handheld but sales prove the opposite.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Around the Network
small44 said:

Sony just can't make a unique popular games because people are not interest in this games it's not the fault of Sony but peoples fault like you you want unique games in psvita but you not buy them?.

You said peoples are not interest  in consoles like games in sony handheld but sales prove the opposite.

A game that barely manages 1m on a portable but sales well over 5m on a home console where the userbase is relatively equal... does not prove you right.

Sure there is a market and even Nintendo handhelds get home console hand-me-downs. But that is now why people buy the handheld.

GTA  sold more then 7 millions in psp while in ps3 gta sold 9 millions it's not a big differences the same for God of War in psp 3 millions and in ps3 4 millions.

This prove i was true.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

only one million units behind, for a moment there I thought it was selling bad lol

superchuck I have to ask, what your obsession with the Vita, does it make you sad that despite it's sales it's still receiving a lot of games and support? does it break your heart that the people that own one really enjoy it? Seriously man it's getting sad, this thread has literally no reason to exist, it's telling no one anything they didn't already know and or could easily find out with all the other handheld sales threads so why are you trying so hard? is Mario truly that boring?

xLeftyx said:

I understand the predicament Vita is in at the moment but I would suggest a title be shown some neutrality along the lines of "How does the Vita fare in sales in comparison to its predecessor/competition?"

So, I am the only one who feels this?

small44 said:

GTA  sold more then 7 millions in psp while in ps3 gta sold 9 millions it's not a big differences the same for God of War in psp 3 millions and in ps3 4 millions.

This prove i was true.

GTA3 (PS2+XBOX... mostly PS2) 14m+ (2001)

Liberty City sold 7m+ (2005... before PS3 launched or GTA4 and living off of massive GTA3 hype)
Vice City sold 4m+ (2006... same as before but sold 1/2 the number)
Chinatown (psp) sold under 1m (2009 after GTA4)
Chinatown (DS) sold 1m+
Chinatown both sold 2m

GTA4 (PS3) sold 9m+ (2008)
GTA4 (360) sold 9m+
GTA4 both sold 18m+

Sorry, but sales prove you wrong. The only GTA games that sold decent sold 1/2 of their home console counter part and then proved to have a massive decline in sales for their sequels while home console sequels (GTA3 to GTA4) showed strong growth.

God of War 2 (PS2) sold 4.2m (2007)
God of War 3 (PS3) sold 4.4m (2010)
God of War ... Olympus (PSP) sold 3m (2008)
God  of War ... Sparta (PSP) sold 800k (2010 after GOW3)
God of War Collection (PS3) sold 2.3m (2009)

Again. Home version did better than portable version and their sequels increased the sales trend. In fact the only portable version to do decently was the one that game out well before a home console version and look how well its sequel did. Hell the port of two old PS2 games almost did better than both portable copies. But really GoW isnt' a system seller in itself anyways.

I never said portable knock offs couldn't possible sell well. I said they won't sell systems. In both cases the portable versions sold initially well due to popularity of PS2 games. Then their sequels bombed in comparison. But the PS3 sequels both increased the sales from their PS2 counter parts... even considering PS3's far lower user base.

However, why don't you take say Pokemon of any color variation and compare it to any home console version. You'll see the exact opposite because here the main game... the unique experience is on the portable. That is the difference and that is a big reason why Nintendo handhelds dominate. Even at $200 the 3DSXL will sale well because of this. I now I plan on buying three before this year is out for my kids. But I wouldn't even consider the PSV yet as for $250 it has nothing I can't get out of my PS3.